Arise, Alexander

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Beta'd and Edited by kylekatarn77 and Poliamida

68. Arise, Alexander

"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails."

-John Maxwell

Even with everything going on, Izuku still needed sleep, and at long last he passed out in the workshop with Mei, the two of them snoring on the futon alongside Eri. When he finally woke up, it was because his stomach was growling. He glanced at the clock, and found that it was late in the evening.

"Mei, we've got to get up," Izkuku sighed, gently scooping Eri up in one arm.

"What?" Mei gasped, jerking upright. "Izuku, they're coming, I-oh. It was a dream."

"Yeah," Izuku sighed. "You awake, Eri?"

"No," she answered, then yawned and wriggled out of Izuku's grasp. She looked out of the window, frowning at the darkness outside. "It's bedtime. Why did you wake me up?"

"Because I'm hungry, and I'm sure you are too. Did you eat dinner?" Izuku asked.

"No. I want pancakes," Eri declared.

"Yes! Pancakes! With strawberries!" Mei agreed.

Izuku rubbed his chin, scratching at a bit of stubble that was growing there. He hadn't shaved that morning, and he had a faint bit of green shadow. No time for that now, though. "I guess we can see what Lunch Rush has in the cafeteria." Thankfully, Lunch Rush hadn't come on the ill fated expedition, as culinary skills were not much use in a battle. After, however, they could be invaluable.

Eri took Mei's hand as they left, clutching Fluffles to her chest with her other hand. "Are you my big sister, Mei?"

"Yes. Ha! Now I am not the youngest sister anymore! But I think you are more help than the two brats. You are very good at fixing babies! That is good, all the Hatsume women are good at fixing things, that is what mom said. Also, we are very bad at following rules according to dad."

"I'm a good girl, I follow the rules!" Eri said desperately. "You don't need to punish me!"

"Eri, I think Mei was saying that she's bad at following rules," Izuku explained. "We're not going to hurt you, I promise."

"Yes. Hari says they are more like guidelines anyway," Mei agreed. "You only need to follow the rules that are smart, not the dumb ones."

"How do I know if a rule is smart or not?" Eri asked, confused by the concept.

"That is what big sisters are for. We show you what rules are dumb and which to follow. For example, the rules about not making cute babies are dumb, and also the rules about not having ice cream for dinner."

"We can have ice cream for dinner?!" Eri asked eagerly.

"Um, let's stick with pancakes. Maybe we can have ice cream later," Izuku cautioned.

"What if we had ice cream on pancakes?" Mei mused.

"Yes!" Eri agreed. "Ice cream pancakes!"

As it turned out, the cafeteria was fresh out of ice cream and pancakes, though there were waffles, which both Mei and Eri agreed was an acceptable substitute. Izuku managed to convince them to take some eggs along with the pastries, so they both got at least a little protein. Plenty of people were in the cafeteria eating, from families that had come to shelter at UA, to students or even a few visiting pro heroes. Izuku was heartened to see Fat Gum, Lock Rock, and Gunhead in the cafeteria, but the mood was still nervous and tense. There was only a low buzz of conversation amidst the clink of plates and glasses, with tight faces and haunted looks for many of the students.

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