The Grand Illusion

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31. The Grand Illusion

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

-Yiddish Proverb

With the footage of their exploits at Kamino still vivid in their minds, Izuku and Class 1A could only sit and try to understand just what was happening to them. Heroes? It felt as though they should be arrested, not lauded. Even if they had managed to save Mei and All Might.

"So, what? You're not expelling us?" Kaminari asked, sounding hopeful.

Mr. Aizawa sighed heavily. "No, you're not being expelled."

"Wait, so, what exactly is going to happen to us?" Hagakure asked. "I mean, the paperwork might say we didn't break any laws, but you still know we did."

"Unfortunately, you're all about to be punished far more harshly than even the law could manage, woof. What we're going to ask of you is something I feel uncomfortable asking of such young people, even those who have proven themselves to be capable heroes," Chief Tsuragamae told them.

"We'll go over later just how reckless you all were, and the several dozen ways you could have gotten yourselves killed," Mr. Aizawa added. "But right now, what matters is, in the eyes of the public, you're not reckless highschoolers, you're the heroes who saved All Might."

"And me!" Mei added.

The police chief nodded. "Indeed. You have all proven that you're capable, if reckless, heroes, woof. However, there is still the small matter of the fact that none of you actually have hero licenses. But that's an issue for later, woof. For now, I think it best to brief you on what comes next."

"First things first: in a few minutes, you'll all be participating in a press conference," Mr. Aizawa informed them. "We've held them off as long as we can, but the media and public are in a frenzy to get to know all of you. So, we're going to give them what they want. Your costumes are in the other room, repaired and restored for you to change into."

"What about Mei?" Izuku asked.

"She's taken care of. The media...well, let's just say you're about to get a rude introduction to the world of celebrity, Midoriya," Aizawa informed him.

"Fine, we have to talk to the press," Shinso said with a shrug. "But you made it sound like there was something else?"

"Society now is on the brink, woof," the police chief informed them. "Villain groups, like the League of Villains, have gone quiet for the moment, but they're still out there. And you have all just become priority targets, woof. As such, you'll all be living at UA from now on."

"What?! Are you crazy? Our parents will never agree to that!" Ashido protested.

"They already did," Mr. Aizawa informed them. "We talked to them while you were all in the hospital, recovering. Some of them weren't exactly thrilled, but they all agreed that it's safest for you and for your loved ones if you stay in a secure location. I hate to tell you this, but that's how it is for a lot of heroes. We're always a target."

"Does that mean I can live in the workshop?!" Mei demanded eagerly, leaning forward.

"I have been informed by Mr. Maijima that you are, under no circumstances, allowed to live in the workshop," Mr. Aizawa stated. "You'll be living with your sister."

"What?! I still have to live at home when they all get to live at UA?!" Mei demanded.

"Sorry sis, not quite." Izuku turned to see Hari entering the room from the far door, from which the loud buzz of conversation came until she shut it behind her. Instead of her normal grungy mechanics clothes, goggles, and ballcap, she was dressed in formal office wear; a blouse, skirt, stockings, no eyewear and her hair done up neatly in a bun. Izuku realized she was even wearing heels and some jewelry, which was highly unusual for her. "Um, Mr. Aizawa? They're getting kinda restless out there. Might want to hurry things up..."

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