Idols, Old and New

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2. Idols, Old and New

If just one person believes in you

Deep enough, and strong enough

Believes in you

Hard enough

And long enough

Before you know it

Someone else would think

"If he can do it, I can do it"

-Just One Person, by Hal Hackaday

"Hey, Midoriya! Your usual?"

Izuki smiled and shook his head, looking around the cluttered and cramped comics store fondly. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of hero memorabilia, new and old, from the omnipresent All Might to far more obscure heroes like EraserHead. "Not today, Mr. Azara. I'm looking for something a bit different."

The pudgy proprietor of the Coruscant Comics store raised an eyebrow and leaned over the glass counter, which showed off rare and valuable trading cards, comics, and other hero related merchandise. "Really? We've just got in issue #487, with the deluxe cover. And I've got pre-orders for American Years All-Might figures too."

Shifting nervously, Izuku shook his head. "No thanks. Um, I was actually going to ask you about something else."

"Well, OK, but this isn't like you, Midoriya," Mr. Azara said, scratching at the stubble on his chin. "You're one of my best customers! I'd hate to lose you."

"Oh, don't worry about that Mr. Azara. Um, actually, I was wondering. Do you have any comics of, um, quirkless heroes? You know, like from the before times."

Mr. Azara nodded, smiling. "Yeah sure, I got plenty of Superman and Spiderman of course. They're popular collectors items. Broadening your collection? Maybe you want an old Shonen title, like Dragon Ball or One Piece?"

"Um, no, I mean, like, heroes with no quirks," Izuku mumbled, looking down at his shoes. "At all. Not...not just powers that aren't quirks."

The store owner scratched at his balding pate. "Totally quirkless, huh? Well, those haven't been popular in a long time." He frowned at Izuku, then sighed. "You finally accept it then, kid?"

"W-w-what do you mean?" Izuku stammered. "I, I don't-"

"Knock it off, Midoriya. I've suspected it for a while," Mr. Azara said quietly, leaning across the counter on one elbow. "You're quirkless."

Feeling a lump grow in his throat, Izuku could only hang his head and nod.

"Yeah, I thought so. Hey, don't sweat it. So am I."

Izuku looked up, startled. "You mean it?"

Mr. Azara grinned. "Course I do. When I was growing up, it wasn't quite so strange yet. Hell, there's lots of older folks like me walking around with no quirks. We're in the minority, sure, but yeah."

"Then...then how can you stand to be around all these heroes all the time?" Izuku whispered. He didn't really have to, the store's only other patrons were engaged in a noisy card game in the back corner, and were totally oblivious to what was going on at the counter.

"Guess it's cause I love heroes, just like you do, Midoriya. Tell you what. Come to the back with me."

Hesitantly, Izuku followed Mr. Azara to the cramped back room. "You know," the owner said as he walked to a locked cabinet and dug in his pocket for a key. "I wanted to be a hero when I grew up. Read all the comics and stuff. Didn't really give up on it until I got to High School. I tried for UA, but, well, I wasn't the best student, and I was quirkless. So, you know. Didn't go very far with that. Plus, even though I wanted it, I never tried all that hard."

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