Where Angels Fear to Tread

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Beta'd and edited by Poliamida and kylekatarn77

72. Where Angels Fear to Tread

It's time to toss the dice.

-Matrim Cauthron, The Wheel of Time

Rubbing Uraraka's back, Bakugo knelt in the stinking tunnel as she vomited again. It hadn't exactly smelt sweet before Uraraka had needed to see her breakfast for a second time, having been excavated around sewer lines, but the fresh scent of bile wasn't helping things. He took out a roll of pills, offering her a pink one along with a bottle of water.

"Thanks," Uraraka gasped, swishing the water in her mouth and spitting before taking one of the tablets to chew and a long drink of water.

"You gonna be good for the trip back?" Bakugo asked quietly, glancing down the tunnel to where their flying buses were hidden.

"I'll have to be," Uraraka sighed. "I made it all the way down here, right? So I'll make it back."

"Alright. But you're gonna go back there and rest with Hado and the others," Bakugo said, not making it a question. "Not 'cause you're weak, not cause I want to sit your ass out of the most dangerous fight we've been in, but cause you need to be ready to get us home, and you are not doing that crawling through some damn sewers."

"Yeah, OK. You're right," Uraraka admitted. She reached out to hug Bakugo, but he went in for a kiss, heedless of the mess.

"You are so gross," Uraraka giggled when they parted. Then worry lines formed on her face, and she caressed Bakugo's cheek. "Be safe, OK?"

"Where the hell is the fun in that? Besides, didn't you hear? I'm supposed to explode one of these Eraser Bombs. That sounds super safe."

"You know what I mean. Come back to me, promise?" Uraraka asked, her tone pleading.

"They'll have to kill me to keep me away from you," Bakugo answered.

"That's what I'm worried about," Uraraka sighed, standing. She held out her fist, and Bakugo tapped it. "Luck."

Then she made her way back down the tunnel to the old building where they'd hidden the buses. Bakugo spat to the side. It really had been gross to kiss her, but it had been worth it. Then he jogged down the tunnel, ducking slightly as he went. It was fairly wide, and impressively smooth for having been dug in only a day or two. Pixie Bog and a couple others had made their way here a few days ago. So far, they appeared to be undetected.

"Right, everyone ready?" Bakugo asked as he joined up with the group. "We hear from Izuku?"

"He's in position with his Eraser Bombs," Todoroki replied. "The other groups are in position as well."

"And how's my buddy doing?" Bakugo asked, looking at the figure crouched at the end of the tunnel, well away from the others.

"Creepy as hell, so normal," Todoroki said, shaking his head. "You sure this is a good idea, Katsuki?"

"Hell no. That's why I get Izuku to do all my thinking for me," Bakugo said with a shrug. He walked over, crouching in front of Stain. "Alright, Nosey, you understand what you're supposed to do?"

"I am to take you and the bag of supposed remains to the Justice building to claim my reward," Stain answered, glancing at a wet, dripping sack. Its contents were supposedly the heads of several pro heroes and members Class 1A, including those of Izuku and Mei. They had, disgustingly enough, been created by Yaoyorozu's quirk, and would in fact pass a DNA test if someone bothered to make one. Some of them were a bit ripe too. Concealed within the sack, however, was another Eraser Bomb.

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