In the Presence of Mine Enemies

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In the Presence of Mine Enemies

If anyone causes one of these children to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

-Jesus of Nazareth, The Gospel of Mark

Consciousness crept up on Izuku slowly, his head pounding and a feeling of dizziness and nausea washing over him. He groaned softly, shifting and moving.

"It's ok. Here. Drink this."

Something was pressed against Izuku's lips, and he coughed and sputtered, but sucked down the liquid anyway. It turned out to be simple water, and with a gasp and groan, his eyes fluttered open. He found the concerned face of Eri, peering down at him.

"You shouldn't have made daddy angry. When he gets angry, he hurts things," she said quietly.

Izuku closed his eyes, and a tear rolled down his cheek. "He hurts you, doesn't he."

"Only if I'm bad," Eri whispered. "But I'm not bad anymore. Not since he explained to me how I can be the good guy. Like you."

"No one should hurt you, Eri, you're just a little girl." Izuku moaned, and slowly sat up. He looked around, blinking. He was in a dimly lit room, the only illumination was a small nightlight. But it was easy enough to see where he was: in Eri's bedroom. The bed Izuku was curled up on had pink sheets with a distinctive pattern. After a moment, Izuku spread it out, and found Mei's face, complete with goggles, staring up at him. He felt sick.

He looked around the room, with its shelves and dressers, and saw himself looking back. Action figures. Books. A model of the Ultra Armor with a Mei doll riding in it. This girl worshipped Izuku and Mei, and they had failed her.

"Eri, I'm so sorry. I should have saved you," Izuku said, reaching a hand out to touch her. She jerked away, looking frightened.

"I am safe! Daddy keeps me safe! Don't touch me! I might...I might disappear you! I...I'm a monster!" Eir turned away, sobbing softly.

With a grunt of pain for his aching head, Izuku climbed out of the bed and put his arms around Eri. She gasped and tried to pull away, but he didn't let her even with only one arm. "You're just a little girl. I'm not afraid of you, Eri. Your daddy, no, Chisaki, he's hurting you, isn't he? When was the last time someone touched you?"

Eri started to tremble and tried to push Izuku away. "When I made my old daddy disappear! I don't-"

"Shh. It's OK. I'm a hero, remember? I'll save you, Eri. I promise. I'll take you somewhere where no one will ever hurt you again," Izuku promised.

Eri sagged against Izuku, the fight going out of her. "But daddy has to hurt me. I was bad. And...and that's how we'll make the quirks go away."

Izuku felt himself stiffen, then began to rock and hum, like Mei did. "Shh. It's OK. Quirk's aren't bad, Eri, not even yours. I've always wanted a quirk, you know? I always wished I could have one, growing up."

"But why? Quirks are bad. They're dirty, like me," Eri said, her voice muffled as she buried her face in Izuku's torn and stained shirt. "That's why daddy has to make me clean."

Izuku looked down, and his stomach turned as he saw the bandages all over Eri's body. She was dressed only in a smock now, and he could clearly feel the damage all over her arms, legs, and chest. "He's doing something to you?"

Eri nodded, sniffing. "He makes the medicine to make people better. To get rid of their quirks. He needs me to do it. My blood, and skin, and stuff."

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