Odd Man In

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10. Odd Man In

The main way to keep from losing is to win.

-Yogi Berra

"Hey. Nice to see some students outside of the hero course here. You two must be pretty strong."

Izuku looked up from working on the Power Suit to see a boy with tall, fluffy blue hair and dark circles under his eyes. He opened his mouth to answer, only to have Mei put a hand over his mouth.

"Izuku! Don't you remember who that is?" she demanded.

Izuku hesitated for a moment, then his eyes went wide. He nodded quickly, and Mei removed her hand.

"We don't have anything to say to anyone that could mind control us," Mei said, turning her back to continue her work. "We've got more important things to do, right Izuku?"

"R-r-right," Izuku muttered, turning back to work on the suit, but his eyes nervously slid to the boy, whom he now recognized as Hitoshi Shinso. His quirk allowed him to mind control anyone who answered a question of his, and Izuku had nearly fallen into his trap.

"Relax. I'm not here to steal your headbands before we even start," Shinso said, giving Izuku a wan smile. "So, you know about my quirk? Wonder how that happened. Anyway, that's not important, or why I'm here. I want to team up."

"What?" Izuku turned around, shocked. "Why would you want to team up with us?"

"Izuku!" Mei snapped, smacking him upside the back of his head. "You're going to end up mind controlled!"

"Only if I wanted to. Which I don't," Shinso said casually. "No, I'm here to offer a team up, because you two are the only other students not from the Hero Course to make it to the semi-finals. And, well, I respect that." Shinso looked down at his hands, which he tightened into fists. "They wouldn't let me in, no matter how strong my Quirk is, because it doesn't fit their definition of a hero. You two don't fit the bill either. So, they're keeping you out as well. Let's work together to change that. At least for now. All bets are off in the finals."

Izuku looked to Mei, who was frowning at Shinso. "How do we know you won't just betray us and take our headband?" he asked.

Shinso shrugged. "You can choose not to trust me. If you do that, I'll just find someone else. But I think the two of you could really use my help. Sure, you're strong and fast, and that suit you've built is downright amazing. But do you honestly think just the two of you can go up against the entire Hero Course and win? You need allies."

"Ha! Izuku and I have gotten this far with just the two of us and our babies! We don't need anyone else!" Mei bragged.

"Wait, Mei," Izuku said, putting a hand on her shoulder. He studied Shinso. "Your quirk is strong, perhaps one of the most powerful ones here. And you're right. We are up against the entire Hero Course. I'm willing to partner up for this round, to prove that anyone can become a Hero. So what do you say, Mei?"

"Hmm. Well, if you think it's a good idea," Mei said with a shrug. "Just make sure he treats our babies right!"

Shinso chuckled and nodded. "Oh, I'll be sure to do that. Now, I think I'd be the best rider. Agreed?"

"Yes. I'm the horse, obviously," Izuku said, patting the Power Suit. "You and Mei can ride on top. Mei, watch our backs and look for openings. Shinso, how many people can you control with your quirk at a time?"

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