The Cost of Manners

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This document beta'd by kylekatarn77 and Poliamida

21. The Cost of Manners

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.

Edmund Burke

Dinner that night was a loud and noisy affair. Class 1B made it back not long after 1A did, and together they sat down to a buffet style meal with soup, rice, and a few protein options. Izuku happily loaded down his dish, and for once he didn't need to remind Mei to eat, as she eagerly snagged a plate of her own. They sat down together with their new companions, laughing and enjoying the food.

Once more, Izuku noticed that Bakugo was isolated. He walked off and sat by himself, his back to the others, seemingly unconcerned about being alone. When most everyone was done eating, to Izuku's surprise Bakugo silently walked over and started helping wash the dishes, despite no one being asked to do so. Mandaly actually told Bakugo he didn't need to help, but he simply ignored her, disappearing into the kitchen with a tray of dishes.

"What's up with Bakugo?" Izuku asked Kirishima.

The other boy looked up, confused. "What do you mean? He bothering you again? We'll take care of that if-"

"No, I mean, he's always by himself, and, well I've never seen him offer to clean up before," Izuku explained.

"Who cares," Kaminari said, letting out a loud belch. "He quit trying to hang out with us after Kirishima told him off."

"Well, I mean, it's more like we quit trying to hang out with him," Kirishima admitted. "I dunno, I thought he was kinda manly and all. But to find out he'd bully a quirkless kid and a disabled girl I-"

"Who'd he pick on that was disabled?" Mei demanded. "That jerk!"

Kirishima and Kaminari blinked at her. "Um, you," Karminari finally managed.

Mei suddenly went bright red, her hands clenched into fists. "I. Am not. Disabled," she growled. "I'm smarter than you are, fried brain." Mei suddenly stood and stalked away, muttering about checking on her babies.

Izuku froze, staring after her, feeling as though someone had just punched him in the gut. Was he going to be responsible for alienating Mei again?

"What's eating her?" Kaminari complained. "She is autstic or whatever, right?"

"Um, yeah man. But uh, maybe she doesn't like being called disabled?" Kirishima guessed. He suddenly let out a yelp as a loud smack resounded through the air. Kirishima's head wacked into the table, leaving a bunch of splintered wood as he'd involuntarily activated his quirk. Behind him, Ashido glared down, her yellow irises seeming to glow in her dark eyes.

"Of course she doesn't like being called disabled!" there was another smack, and Kaminari let out a squeal.

"What'd you do that for, Ashido?!" he snapped, glaring at her.

"That was me," Jiro said, examining her fingernails. "I figured you probably deserved it. Look, Mei might have gotten her ass kicked by Bakugo, but that's just cause fighting isn't her thing. She's an incredible support."

"I mean sure, but she's still disabled and stuff," Kirishima said with a shrug, learning a glare from Ashido.

"Come on, Midoriya! She's your girl! You've got to stand up for her! Do something!" Ashido lectured.

Izuku felt helpless, unsure of what to do or say. He wanted to help Mei, to make her feel better, but wasn't this his fault? He was the one who'd told the others about Mei's autism. He felt tears of frustration well up in his eyes. How could he stand up for Mei when he was the problem!

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