A Logical Deception

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Nothing strong can be built on a foundation of lies and omissions.

Isabel Allende

Meetings like this should have been held with shadowed figures, the air filled with cigarette smoke, in the backroom of a seedy bar, as far as Aizawa was concerned. Instead, he was sitting in a brightly lit, well decorated and ventilated conference room in one of the most public buildings in Japan, the Headquarters of the Ministry of Justice. He'd even had to comb his hair and put it in a ponytail and put on a damned suit and tie for this. It was the sort of semi-ironic humor that he enjoyed. Well, that, and dumb puns. He wondered if Fukukado would have found it amusing. Probably. She thought everything was hilarious.

"We're here today to discuss the events in Kamino last week, as I'm sure you're all well aware," the Minister of Justice said, some government toady that Aizawa had never bothered to learn the name of. "And what the implications for the future are."

"Oh cut the bullshit," Aizawa sighed. "I don't want to be here all day. You want to serve my students up like a bunch of suckling pigs, right?"

The Minister shifted uncomfortably in his seat, shuffling his papers and not meeting Aizawa's eyes.

"Straight and to the point, aren't you, Eraserhead?" one of the small time flunkies asked. "I'd tread carefully. We could just decide to lock all your students up. That one who lead the charge, what's his name? Midoriya? Why, he's even quirkless. What's someone like him doing in a hero program? Should we be discussing an investigation of UA's program?"

Aizawa's eyes narrowed as he looked at the greasy grin of the underminister. He glanced at the name plate. Hanabata. That didn't ring any bells. He was just a minor functionary.

"I'd personally be on board with more than a slap on the wrist for these kids," Aizawa said, lacing his fingers together and trying very hard to not deck the snot-nosed idiot who was grinning at him. "They should face serious consequences for what they've done. And you're free to investigate our program. Midoriya is one of the most qualified young men I've ever had the pleasure of teaching, and I think his actions at Kamino more than bear out his inclusion in my course. Legality of those actions notwithstanding."

"Aizawa," Nezu said quietly, putting a paw on his arm. "Calm down."

"Why should I be calm?" Aizawa demanded, glaring at his boss. "You're just as ready to offer these kids up to the vultures in the media as the rest of them."

"There's a reason for that, woof," Tsuragamae said, taking his spectacles off his snout. "They did the impossible. All For One. A bunch of high schoolers took down All For One. That should have been impossible, woof. The best heroes for a hundred years tried to do that to no success. He's defeated literal armies."

"He's weakened," Aizawa argued. "Wounded. He nearly died in his battle with all Might five years ago."

"And yet it is All Might who is dying now," Nezu said, bringing even Aizawa up short. The room quieted, and everyone considered just why they were meeting here.

Swallowing, Aizawa forced himself to ask the question on everyone's mind. "How long?"

"It could be a year," Sir Nighteye, All Might's former sidekick, blessed with the power of the oracle, answered. "It could be months. But I have foreseen it: he will die of this wound, and he will never be able to perform his role as a pro hero again. But he does not have much time."

"Is there no hope?" the Minister of Justice asked, his voice trembling.

Nighteye shook his head. "He's stuck in his weakened form permanently now. He won't even be able to make a televised appearance for a week or more, even then he'll be confined to a wheelchair. Besides, what would be the point? The public has seen through the charade we've constructed these past five years."

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