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Jimin released a whine as the summer heat hit him, annoyed that he was already burning to crisp as soon as he had stepped out of their dorm. Despite wearing a thin white T-shirt (no black obviously cause Physics), he certainly didn't appreciate the sweat already forming on his skin at the humidity which was practically suffocating in his opinion.

"Stop whining. The beach will be much worse, you know?" Namjoon reminded while arranging their respective luggages at the back of the van they would be using to travel to their destination.

Feeling just as grumpy as Jimin, Jungkook kicked a small pebble on the ground with the sandals he was wearing with a pout. "It wasn't even our faults in the first place! Why are we even punished?!"

"Jungkook's right hyung! We didn't ask for the sasaengs to freaking ruin the fanmeeting by hurting our fans!" Jimin agreed, but pursed his lips when Hoseok shot him a look.

"If it weren't for the two of you screaming bloody murder at the sasaengs, we wouldn't be doing this." Hoseok pointed out, his long fingers motioning for the younger ones to get into the car. "Now get in before I force you guys to."

"Aren't the manager hyungs going to tag along?" Taehyung asked from the backseat of the van, a Gucci sunglasses perched on top of his head.

"No, we are on our own." Seokjin spoke from the driver seat, his hands adjusting the temperature of the air-conditioning system.

"Won't the fans find us? I mean, I don't wanna boast about our popularity or what," Jimin who was now seated next to Taehyung paused, "but we are famous."

Yoongi sighed while turning around a little to glare at Jimin. "Didn't you pay attention during the meeting? The beach is pretty quiet and isolated from the society. So we will be safe."

Hoseok snickered from the passenger seat next to Seokjin. "Meaning no more chance for you two to lose your tempers."

"Alright, we are good to go." Namjoon announced as he entered the car to sit next to Yoongi who was sitting in the middle, with Jungkook on the other side.

"Buckle up boys. The ETA is around three hours and a half." Seokjin stated after punching in the address on the navigation system, and began to reverse the van out of the garage.

With the cool air blasting from the air-conditioner and the soft music playing from the radio, the boys seated at the back were fast asleep within a few minutes, evidently exhausted from their schedules. Hoseok was the only one awake besides Seokjin, since he was the designated one to keep the older boy's driving journey more... entertaining.

Although he wasn't really sure what he should be doing except talk to his hyung. And he wasn't going to betray his hyung like the rest of the sleeping beauties behind.

"You can go to sleep if you want, Hobi. I'll manage." Seokjin chuckled, noticing that the boy was stifling a yawn with teary eyes.

"Nah, I'm good. Just drive, hyung." Hoseok took a sip of his iced coffee before continuing to speak. "I just hope... that everything will go by smoothly for the rest of the two weeks. We've already made a mess during the fanmeeting, we can't afford any other bad reputations for the medias."

Seokjin hummed in agreement. "We all do, Hobi. We all do."


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