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Wang Yibo went to the balcony where his clothes were hanging. He checked his clothes but he found those are still wet. He looked at his clothes angrily. That anger increased as he reminded the incident minutes ago. He felt so ashamed and gritted his teeth.


Xiao Zhan put on his Jacket and got ready to leave. When he came out from the room, Yibo stood infront of him. Xiao Zhan unknowingly smirked at Yibo as he saw him.

"Stop now... Zhan ge, I really need to come with you." Yibo said seriously.

"I can't risk your life. Why can't you understand you are not a ordinary person?" Zhan asked.

"But I thought I was. So I made so many troubles. I scared you, made you angry. I should have behave properly. I feel that I'm the one who responsible for everything happened. If something happen to A-Cheng, I will not able to sleep again. Please let me help you to rescue him. I promise I will do whatever you say then." Yibo said regrettable voice. After hearing Yibo's words, Zhan made a deep sigh.

"Mmm...Okay then, I'll let you come with me. let's find him together. But don't think these are your faults. Whatever happened is not your fault at all..." Zhan said worriedly. Yibo smiled litely and nodded.

"But..." Zhan stepped back and looked at Yibo with smirk.

"How can I take you on my bike like this?" Zhan asked while pointing at Yibo's towel with another smirk. Yibo frowned at him.

"My clothes are still wet. Go buy me a one." Yibo said angrily.

"Hey! Hey! Are you odering me now?" Zhan asked while tilting his head. Yibo frowned at him and then faked a smile.

"Please ge ge... buy me something to wear." Yibo said with fake pout. Zhan smirked again.

"Wait..." Zhan said and went back to his room. Yibo's eyes widen when he saw Xiao Zhan coming with a trouser and a t shirt.

"Ah take it. Don't take so much time. We can't wait so long..." Zhan said while helding that clothes at Yibo. Yibo said nothing but looked at Xiao Zhan with tilted head. Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo with confuse face when he realize Yibo still looking at him. Yibo raised a eyebrow at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Wh-what? Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhan asked with awkward laugh.


"Ah ha ha.." Zhan stepped back with awkward smile while watching Yibo's angry face. Yibo gritted his teeth tightly.

"I-I..." Zhan tried to explain but Yibo cut him with a yell.


"I-I didn't mean that... I only did that to open your mouth I swear... If I'm lying, your towel will fall to the ground again." Zhan said with pout.

"YOU!!!" Yibo kicked the floor and went to the room and closed the door loudly.
Yibo came out from the room. Zhan gave him a fake beard.

"This for what?" Yibo asked with confusion.

"If you go like this people will recognize you" Zhan said Yibo nodded. Then he wore that fake beard. Zhan put some make up on him and he also wore a fake beard.

Then Zhan offered him a fake ID and walkie talkie as well.

"Xie Yun?" Yibo asked as he saw the name in his ID card.

"You can't use your real name. Remember, my name is Xie Jun you are Xie Yun from now on I'm your brother okay?" Zhan said and Yibo nodded.

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