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Two tall guys entered china president's office. President Wang qiren smiled at them while sitting on his chair. Two tall guys greeted at president with salute.

"Sir...this is Xiao zhan, our special agent. He is the one who investigating about that human components racket case. He wanted to talk to you sir...that's why I accompany him here." taller guy said.

"Okay...sit down first...then we can talk about it." President Qiren said.

"Thank you sir. But I have to attend for a meeting in few minutes... may I leave sir?" taller guy asked.

"Okay Mr.Liu, you can leave..." president smiled at him, and he saluted again and left the office.

"Sit down mr...." president said while making questioning face.

"Xiao zhan sir..." other guy said and smiled while showing his bunny teeth.

"Ah Mr.xiao, sit first...then tell me what's the matter" president said and smiled. Xiao zhan bowed at him and sat in front of him.

" I found...for this incident, relating to a politician. That's why I needed to talk to you sir." Xiao zhan said.

"Politician? Not that surprise... then you know that politician?" President asked.

"No sir...but I just have guesses. But I'm 100% sure, this case belonging to a big politician...I have suspects but I don't know who is the real one because anyone didn't let us to investigate them. Sir I need your permission to investigate them..." xiao zhan said.

" I'll give permission but first you need to show all information about this case before I give permission..." president said.

"Yes sir..." xiao zhan stood up and saluted.

" Meet me at my home tomorrow then, with your information..." president said.

Xiao zhan saluted again and left the office.

*Next day*

@president's house.

"Mn...this is very complicated. They all are richest and powerful politicians. But if they belong to this case, we should stop them..." president qiren said while caressing his chin with finger.

"That's why I need your help sir..." xiao zhan said.

"Okay! I'll let you investigate them but, this is really risky. You can lose your life too." President said.

"It's okay sir this is my job..." xiao zhan said.

"Dad!!!" A young handsome boy came to them and hugged president tight while smiling like a kid.

"Yibo! Stop freaking... president said and that boy pouted.

"Sorry Mr.xiao, my son is still like a kid..." president said xiao zhan and xiao zhan smiled.

"Then why are you pampering me today? What do you want?" President asked his son.

" Dad! Tomorrow, there is a bike race... My friends challenged me to win dad... I really have to attend it...may i dad...?" yibo said with baby tone while pouting.

"Bike race again? You fell off from that bike last time aren't you?. Are you asking shamelessly again to attend a bike race?" president scolded him?

"Aigoo dad... it was just a small accident. i didn't even get any scratch..." yibo pouted again.

"You didn't get any scratch but your head got split. Idiot..." president yelled. Xiao zhan couldn't help but smiled.

"OH dad...what the problem if a man have some damages?, As a young boy we should enjoy our lives. Isn't it Mr.agent?" Yibo asked while looking at xiao zhan.

"Safety first..." xiao zhan said.

"Ah what a fuddy duddy you're?" Yibo frowned at xiao zhan cutely.

"Pleaseeee dad!!!" Yibo pouted at president again.

"Okay! But this is the last time, If you ask to attend any bike races again I'll break your legs." President threatened. Yibo hugged him with big smile and left.

"Kids these days!!" President said and xiao zhan smiled.

So here is the first chapter. I couldn't write good as I thought but I'll try to do my best.

Sorry for grammatical and typing errors. And thank you for reading commenting voting and adding my books to your reading list. I really appreciating those.

Stay safe from corona

Have a nice day and love you all!

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