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Yifei got out from her car as she parked her car at presidential house's car park. She walked towards the house. She greeted at guards and went in.

"Shiejie!? Your are here?" Wang yibo asked with happy surprise. Yi fei greeted him with a smile and went near him.

" I came to check Zhan. I couldn't contact him for few days. He didn't answer my call or didn't reply to my messages. His family is worrying too. So I came to check. Is he okay?" Yi fei asked with sad face.

"He is okay. I think he Is very busy with a investigation these days. Don't worry jie. When he's back I'll tell him to call you." Yibo said.

"Why are you still standing there. Sit. I'll tell my servants to make you a coffee." Yibo said with smile.

"No Bodi, I have to go to hospital. I'll come back another day. Okay?" Yifei asked while looking at cute pouting face. Yibo pouted more and then nodded. Yi fei about to go but her eyes stopped at something.

"Wow Bodi, I didn't know you still playing with toys " Yifei said with light laugh while pointing at the toy bike which Zhan gifted to Yibo.

"Ah, It's from Zhan ge. He gave me this for my birthday. Isn't it so cute. He is so sweet..." Yibo said with blushed cheecks. but he couldn't realize what he said at last. Yifei's face went dark when he heard Yibo's words. She didn't say anything and just faked a smile and went out.

After she left, Yibo took that toy bike and looked at it with smile.

'MINE but not MINE...No worries. I'm fine." Yibo sighed before put it down.

Zhan was sitting on his chair in his office. a officer came with hurry and saluted at Zhan.

"What happened?" Zhan asked with surprise.

"Sir, Someone attacked Mr.Song and Mr.Yubin while they coming to the office with that clues they found near the criminal place." Officer said.

"WHAT!? Anyone got hurt?" Zhan asked while standing from his seat with a shock.

"Mr.Song got a bullet in his shoulder. He is in the hospital now. Mr.Yubin had tried to catch them but he missed them." Offiecer said.

"Clues?" Zhan asked.

" Attakers took them."

"SHIT!" Zhan kicked the table infront of him.

"Okay you can leave now" Zhan said and he grabbed his coat from his table and went out from his office.

He came to hospital and walked in. After checking Song jiyang's situation he went to meet Yubin.

Zhan entered to Yubin's ward. He smiled at Yubin's mother and sister before stood infront of Yubin's bed. Yubin had got some scratches in his body and his head was also damaged.

"Are you okay?" Zhan asked.

"Yes I'm. I want to talk with you alone." Yubin said with rush.

"It's okay we can talk later. First you have to recovered." Zhan said with worry.

"No this is important. Mom, please?" Yubin looked at his mother and sister. They greeted at Zhan and went out.

"What?" Zhan asked with curious.

"There is a traitor in our office." Yubin said with low voice. Zhan looked at him with widen eyes.

"Do you know who is that?" Zhan asked.

"Not yet. But we should find out. but I can say that traitor is in beta team. I saw him but they were covered their face so I couldn't recognize. But when he fighting with me I saw his necklace it's belongs to beta team. " Yubin said while scratching his chin.

"Get well soon. Then let's make a plan to catch him. It's good to know that he is in beta team. It's better than nothing." Zhan said. Zhan's phone began to ring. He looked at the screen for second and answered.

"Yes, Yi fei" Zhan said as he picked up the call.

"Wait...I'll come to meet you. Where are you now" he asked.

"Okay I'll be there..."He hanged up the call and looked at Yubin.

"I have to go. Take care." He said and turned to go out.

"You should be ashamed Zhan" Yubin said as Zhan turned. Zhan looked back at Yubin.

"What?" Zhan asked with surprise.

"If you don't love her anymore, don't give her hopes.It's not good." Yubin said with disappointed voice. Zhan's heart skipped a beat. His face went pale.

"Wh-what are you talking?" Zhan asked with hesitation.

"Asked yourself. I can only say, If you keep doing this, three of you will end up with getting hurt." Yubin said. Zhan couldn't understand Yubin's words. He looked at yubin with widen eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm your best friend. You can fool anyone but not me. Just think about what I said. Now go she will wait." Yubin said.

Zhan didn't say anything and left the hospital.

Zhan stopped his car at presidential house's car park and went to the presidential house.

"Why are you here?" Zhan asked Yifei as he saw she sitting on a couch.

"I came to check Yibo" Yifei said while standing from the couch. Zhan got mini heart attack.

'What happened to him' Zhan's heart began to thump soundly.

"What happened to him? He is okay right? What happened?" Zhan asked with sudden. Zhan about to go to Yibo's room.

"He is okay, but you came here to talk with me aren't you? Now where are you going?" Yi fei asked with anger.

"He is my duty." Zhan said and tried to go but Yi fei grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him.

"I said he is okay. He just got a head ache because of stress. Now he is sleeping. Zhan, can we talk?" Yi fei asked. Zhan nodded and two of them went to the guarden.

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't do that again." Zhan said first.

"Sorry for what? " Yifei asked.

"Ignoring your called and texts. And I hurt you so much. That wouldn't happen again." Zhan said with sad face.


Wang yibo woke up and got down from his bed.

"Where is Yifei jie?" He asked from a guard.

"She went to the guarden with Mr.Xiao sir." He said. Yibo nodded and went towards the guarden. But he frozen with the scene which he saw.

He saw Zhan and Yifei kissing in a corner of the guarden. Yibo went pale with sudden. His heart broken to small pieces but he tried hard to control his tears. As his eyes become blurry, he remembered the thing Zhan said at last night.

"Zhan ge do you love her?" Yibo asked.

"Of course a lot." Zhan said.

After few seconds Yibo came back to the world and wiped his tears suddenly. Then he walked towards Zhan and Yi fei who were still kissing.

Yibo coughed as he came near them. Zhan and Yi fei suddenly pulled away from eachother. Yifei went red like a roseapple. Yibo tried to fake a laugh.

"This is not a lovers park. This is presidential house's guarden. You should behave properly." Yibo said with faked laugh. Zhan and Yi fei didn't say anything but looked down.

"Aish... I just kidding. Anyway let's go in. it's so late. Shiejie, let's take dinner together." Yibo said.

Yi fei smiled and nodded.

Thankyou for reading. Sorry for grammatical and typing errors. Sorry for late update.

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