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After president's funeral yibo stayed at his uncle's home for few days. Then he returned to presidential house and assumed as the president of china.

Yibo went to his new office and sat on his chair. Xiao zhan and liu haikuan entered to his office and greeted.

" two, sit.." yibo said with smile.

"Sir, we could know, the people who killed your father trying to kill you too. So we think, till this problem solved, this xiao zhan can be your guardian. " liu haikuan said.

"Ah..ha..ha don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. I have learned martial arts. So i don't think that i want a guardian." Yibo said.

"But sir.."xiao zhan began to say something but yibo cut him.

"Ah..agent xiao zhan.. don't worry. I can take care of myself." Yibo said suddenly.

While they were talking, a boy entered to the office with a glass of orange juice.

He looked at xiao zhan and liu haikuan with confuse face.

"Ah you came..give it to me.." yibo said pointed at the juice. Xiao zhan looked at the boy with dout.

"I said him to bring me a juice, i forgot that you are coming. It's okay, lin jing, bring another two juice glasses for them too.." yibo ordered.

Boy about to go but zhan stopped him.

"Stop!" Zhan said. Boy turned to him with confused face.

"Drink it first." Zhan said the boy. boy looked at him with scared face.

Zhan took that juice and held it at the boy. Boy tried to run but liu haikuan suddenly react and caught the boy. Yibo stood up from his chair with confuse.

Zhan called the guards. Guards came and took the boy away.

Liu haikuan smelled the juice and looked at yibo and zhan with confuse.

"It's poisoned." He said.

Yibo's face got wet with sweat when he heard that. Zhan looked at yibo with angry face.

"Why didn't you use your martial arts? " he asked with anger.

"Ah..ha ha ha..okay okay..i was wrong. "Yibo said with awkward smile. Haikuan smiled at yibo's reaction.

After zhan drove him to the presidential house.

"Please stay in your house sir. Don't go anywhere without inform me. I think you go it sir." Zhan said when they reached presidential house.

"You yelled at me when i was in my office. Don't need to respect now. Just call me yibo.."yibo said with smile.

"I'm sorry for that sir i mean yibo." Zhan said. Yibo went to in and zhan turned to go back. But his phone rang. He picked up the phone.

"What? Who shot him?" Zhan yelled.

"Okay, i'll be there in few minutes." Zhan cut the call and went to the CID.

"What happened?" Zhan asked yubin.

"Sorry sir. Boy got a shot when we were taking him here." Yubin said.

"Shit!" Zhan kicked the ground with anger.

"Could you catch the shooters?" Zhan asked again.

"Sorry sir we couldn't" yubin said.

"Mn okay.. increase the security around presidential palace. And check everyone who working in inside of the palace." Zhan ordered.

"Yes sir." Yubin saluted at him and left the office.

Zhan began to wander around his office with confuse. He heard someone coming towards him.

"" Zhan greeted at haikuan.

"Zhan, this is very complicated. I think you should stay with him." Haikuan said with serious face.

"But.." zhan about to say something but haikuan cut him.

"He is the president now. We should protect him. And now it's your responsibility. Take care of him." Haikuan said. Zhan couldn't help but nodded.

Next day

Zhan went to presidential house in the morning with a girl. Guards and servants greeted at him. When yibo saw him he came to the downstair.

"Ah agent zhan, why are you here? And who is this beautiful one?" Yibo asked while looking at the girl.

"This is wang yi fei. She will be your personal doctor from today." Zhan said.

"But i already have one, but how can i reject this beaty.." yibo said with flirty smile.

"She is my girlfriend." Zhan said eith cold voice.

Yibo looked at him with widen eyes and began to smile awkwardly.

"Ha ha ha..i just admired her..he he.." he said while caressing his neck.

"And from now on, i'll stay here can you show me the security room?" Zhan asked.

"Huh? What? Ah..but i didn't see your luggage or anything." Yibo said with curious.

" They are on the way. Now show me the room." Zhan said.

"Ah ha..but you are an agent i can't let you sleep in security room. You can sleep in guest room." Yibo said suddenly.

"Mn thankyou." Zhan said.

" shen, take him to guest room." Yibo ordered a servant. After zhan left yibo and yi fei yibo suddenly went near yi fei.

"Are you really his girlfriend?" Yibo asked with confuse.

Yi fei smiled at him and nodded.

"How you became this fuddy duddy's girlfriend?" Yibo asked with low voice but yi fei heard it and smiled at him.

"He is not, he is act like this when he doing his job." Yi fei said with smile.

Yibo smiled.

"Let's sit. " yibo said while pointing at a sofa. they sat on that sofa and began to talk.

"So how old are you? I mean how can i call you jiejie or meimei?" Yibo asked.

"I'm 4 years older than you. Two years younger than him." Yi fei said with smile.

"Ah then you are a jie. Can i call you shijie?" Yibo asked with pout.

"Of course you can." Yi fei said.

"Wait, you said he is two years older than you right? Omg... is he that old. But his looks so younger." Yibo said with wonder.

"Yeah he is.." yi fei said with smile.

"When is your birthday? I can give you gift." Yibo asked.

"August 5" yi fei said with smile.

"Oh Wow!! Mine is same day with you." Yibo said with excitement.

"Really?" Yi fei asked with smile.

"What are talking?" They heard zhan's voice.

"Can't i talk with my doctor?" Yibo asked with pout.

"Yes yes you can. But we have to go now...don't go anywhere..."

"Without informing you..okay i got it." Yibo filled zhan's sentence. Zhan smiled at him lightly and left the house with yi fei.

Sorry for grammatical and typing errors. Thanks who voted and commented.

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