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Zhan's phone rang as he got into his car. He took out his phone and answered.

"Yes Yibo, You went where? Why suddenly? Okay I'll be there." Zhan started the card as soon as he hang up.

He stopped the car infront of the gate of the children orphanage, Wang Yibo used to donate money. A security guard opened the gate for him. He saw few black cars had stop infront of the orphanage building. he stopped the car and got down. Black clothed guards who were standing near the door saluted at Zhan as they saw him. He nodded at them and went in.

"Ah Zhan ge, you came..." Wang Yibo said but he couldn't see any trace of happiness on Yibo's face neither on others' who were sitting near Yibo.

"What happened?" He asked curiously.

"Do you remember Cheng? He's kidnapped?" Yibo said with a sigh. Zhan's eyes widened in surprise.

"What? But how? Our guards followed these kids 24/7. How can some kidnap a kid like that?" Zhan asked confusedly.

"Wait, guards we deployed for them, all are Yubin's subordinates... seems we were in a big trap since the beginning." Zhan said while putting his palm on his own forehead.

"All are my fault... I couldn't even protect a kid, what's the use of my so called position." Yibo said in disappointment.

"No Yibo, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Let's think what we can do now..." Zoey said to comfort Yibo. Zhan nodded in agreement.

"If they kidnapped him for money, they will call us right?" Zoey asked tearful eyes.

"No jie, I don't think they kidnap him for money. Why would they follow and kidnap a orphan for money? That doesn't make sense." Yibo said and began to think. Zhan nodded in agreement.

"He's right... can you lend me the records of Cheng? " Zhan asked Zoey.

"Of course. Please wait." Zoey went to her office room and brought a blue colour file. She gave it to Zhan before sit on her chair again.

Zhan refered the file with full attention for few minutes.

"Has he had surgery?" Zhan asked suddenly.

"Ah Yes, he had a stomach ache last year. The doctor said he needed to have surgery as soon as possible." Zoey said.

"What disease did he have?" Zhan asked, narrowing his eyes.

"That's... he that doctor didn't say anything. We never asked either..." Zoey said with fearful face.

"This medical report is not clear. Seems this is a fake one." Zhan said, scratching his chin. Zoey's and Yibo's expressions changed with sudden.

"Miss.Zoey. let us handle this. We will find him. Just take care of them. Don't worry..."Zhan said, looking at those confused orphans.

Zhan was about to leave but someone pulled his Jacket. He turned to see the boy who named Zeng Fan Xin.

"Ge ge. Please save him... even though he is bit naughty, we missing him so much..." Zeng Fan Xing said with tearful eyes. Zhan caressed boy's head and nodded. Yibo also greeted at them and left With Zhan.

Presidential office

"Zhan ge, do you have a plan to find Guo Cheng?" Yibo asked Zhan who was in a deep thought.

"Ah? Not yet but I will find a way. Trust me... I wouldn't let anything happen to him." Zhan said, squeezing Yibo's hand. Yibo smiled with a nod.

Next day, Zhan secretly sent a agent to the hospital which Guo Cheng had a surgery to investigate. After one week the agent finished his investigation, sent every little information he could find from that hospital to Zhan.

You're my responsibility (Zhanyi)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now