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Zhan drove his car to the location that Song Jiyang had sent him. It was a deserted road. Zhan could see nothing but bunch of huge trees on both sides of the road. Finally he reached the place and it was an abandoned carpenter's shed. Zhan wandered his eyes everywhere to see someone but he couldn't see anyone. so he decided to call Song Jiyang. Song Jiyang answered as he called.

" Sir, I got into the place. where are you?" Asked Zhan.

"Zhan, we wre waiting behind the carpentry shed for you... come here" Song Jiyang said. Zhan hanged up the call and went to the back of the carpenter's shed after making sure no one was around.

He saw Song Jiyang was sitting on a pile of woods and there were two teammates of his team. Zhan felt something's wrong. As Song Jiyang saw him, he waved his hand at Zhan. Zhan walked towards him.

"Sir, why did you bring only two agents? Do you think we can manage those gangsters?" Zhan asked with a doubt.

"You are wrong Zhan, who said there are only four of us? Look back..." Jiyang said with a smirk.

Zhan was all confused and looked back with suspicion. He saw a bunch of gangsters with guns has surrounded him. He looked back at Jiyang with a huge confusion.

"What is this? Could you explain?" He asked Song Jiyang, tilting his head to a side. Song Jiyang smirked before jumped down from the wood pile.

" I thought you are an intelligent agent Zhan, but you couldn't even come closer to the truth. And I never thought, you would fall for a guy this blindly" Jiyang chuckled. Other guys also began to laugh at Zhan.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!? WHERE IS YIBO!?" Zhan asked aggressively.

"Yibo!? Wow you are even addressing him by his name.... ah I forgot... aren't you the great guardian boyfriend of his....of course you can address him like that..." Jiyang began to laugh hardly. Zhan's face turned to bright red with anger. He felt like want to destroy Song Jiyang.

"Where is he?.... tell me right now..." Zhan asked, controling his own anger.

" Wow...what a love....You are about to die but you still care about him... how cute..." Jiyang said while touching Zhan's Chin teasingly. Zhan slapped his hand away angrily. Jiyan took his hand back and looked at Zhan with serious face.

"Don't worry Zhan. He is still alive... and I'll make sure you two will go to hell together... but don't you want to know what actually is going on?" Jiyang asked with a soft voice. Zhan gritted his teeth and stared at Jiyang with fireball eyes.

"You are not going to ask? Well then I'll tell you my own...I badly want you to know how brilliant I am...." Jiyang said with a smirk and walked towrds the wood pile again. After he sit on that two guys came towards Zhan and dragged him towards Jiayang and made him kneel infront of him forcingly. Then Jiyang began his speach.

"Mmm... where should I start from.... okay... let's start from ex president's murder... I'm the one actually killed him. Shen Xiao Hai works for me..."

Zhan's whole body went red as he heard that and tried to punch Jiayang but the two guys who were standing behind him pulled him back.

"Zhan... Zhan... I just started... behave yourself... where did I stop...ah ok...

He was so annoying. When the Chen Yulou ( Ex Chief of CID before Liu Haikuan) resigned, I thought he would make me the chief. But he gave it to that Haikuan....It was  influenced on my businesses. And that dumb old fart never agreed to my any proposals. I gave that proposals through my people who are in the cabinet. But suddenly he bagan to search who are they working for and had told Haikuan to find me. I was lucky to find out that before they could reach me. Shen Xiao Hai was also angry with the ex president because his proposal of the hospital was also rejected. So he couldn't continue his human components business. I corporated with him and killed the president. I was about to kill your lil brat too but you saved him. But then I thought I can get him to my side but he was also like his father. But he wasn't a big problem to me. But Haikuan was. He was about to find me. So I decided to end him. Your sweet heart gave me an opportunity. That day, Yibo wasn't the target but Haikuan. I killed him too.

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