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Three of them went towards the entrance of the house. When they reached the door they saw Yubin standing there.

"Ah Mr.Yubin why are you here? What happened to your head?" Yibo asked with surprise while looking at the bandage of Yubin's forehead.

"Accident. These are normal for us." Yubin said with smile.

"And I came here to meet Zhan." He said again.

"Okay but you should joing to dinner with us." Yibo said with smile.

Yubin tried to ignore but he couldn't finally he said yes. Yibo invited him to in and went inside while others following him.

"When you arrived here?" Zhan asked while following Yibo.

"When you two kissing..." Yubin leaned to Zhan's ear and whispered but his words were mixed with anger. Zhan looked at Yubin and tried to say something but he couldn't.

Four people sat for dinner.

"Why did you want to meet me?" Zhan asked yubin.

"Ah forgot. This is the necklace of that guy. I forgot to give it to you." Yubin placed a necklace on Zhan's palm. After getting dinner, Yubin and Yifei prepared to go. Four of them went to the park.

Yifei got in to her car and tried to start but it wasn't working.

"What happened?" Yibo asked her.

"I think it's broken." Yi fei said with disappointment.

"I can drop you if you don't mind. I'm going that way too" Yubin said.

Yi fei nodded. Yubin drove his car out from presidential house. Yubin felt something wrong with Yifei.

"What's wrong with you?" Yubin asked with curious.

"Nothing." She said but her voice was cracked.

"Are you crying? If there's nothing why are you crying?" Yubin couldn't help but asked.

"Zhan, Zhan and I broke up." Yifei said with cracked voice. Yubin couldn't believe it. He looked at her.

"What? How? I saw you kissing early. What's going on?" Yubin asked with curious.


"I'm sorry, I wouldn't do that again." Zhan said first.

"Sorry for what? " Yifei asked.

"Ignoring your called and texts. And I hurt you so much. That wouldn't happen again."

"Can you guarantee?" Yi fei asked with anger.

"I'm sorry. If we continue this, you will get hurt more. I want to stop." Zhan said expressionless.

"What do you mean?" Yi fei asked with cracking voice.

"Let's breakup..." Zhan said without even thinking.

"What!?" Tears began to drop over Yi fei's cheeks.

"Yi fei.." Zhan put his hand on Yi fei's shoulder. But she slapped his hand and pulled herself away.

"You going to break up with me, because of him?" Yifei asked. Her voice filled with sadness, anger and disappointment.

Zhan couldn't say anything. He didn't say anything. So Yi fei continued.

"What do you think? You think you can own him? Zhan, he is the president of china... you're a big idiot. Even if he liked you too you can't own him. " Yifei said through tears.

Zhan stayed silent.

"Anyway, I'm glad. I don't want a dumbass like you. You are just an idiot. I can find someone thousand better than you." She said again and stayed silent for few seconds.

"I want a kiss. It's been 5 years but you didn't even kissed me. So i want a kiss."

*flashback end*

"Oh That's what happened?" Yubin mumbled to himself.

"It's okay Yi fei. if he don't love you, you can't live happily with him. Let him go." Yubin said.


Yibo finished his works and went to his bed. He heard someone knocking his door. He got down from the bed and opened the door.

"Zhan ge?" Yibo asked with surprise.

"Yibo finished his works and went to his bed. He heard someone knocking his door. He got down from the bed and opened the door.

"Zhan ge?" Yibo asked with surprise.

"Yeah, are you going to sleep?" Zhan asked.

"Mn..." Yibo replied shortly.

"Okay I just came to check you. Then I'll go..." Zhan said and turn to go.

"Zhan ge"

"Mn?" Zhan turned as he heard Yibo calling his name.

"Can you sleep with me for today. I feel alone." Yibo said like a kid. Zhan's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know what to do. he couldn't say no to Yibo so he decided to stay with him.

Yibo turned off the lights and went to the bed.

"When you started to sleep with lights off?" Zhan asked with curious.

"Since today..." Yibo said before lay beside Zhan.

"Why?" Zhan asked with surprise.

'Because when I'm in dark I can't see anything. There are many things that i don't want to see. I wish I'm blind.' That's what Yibo want to say but he didn't.

"I'm a big guy now." Yibo said while closing his eyes. But he opened his eyes again.


I decided to give another chapter for Our lion's birthday. Happy Bobo day 💖💖💖

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