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Wang Qiren pov

Xiao Zhan is very serious person who doing his duty with his whole heart. He speaks distinctly and directly. That's why I admire him so much. But by chance when he was talking about my boy I felt a change in him.

We don't talk about him usually but when he talking about him I saw a unusual brightness in his eyes and I'm not sure what kind of feeling he has for my boy but I hope it's not something that I think.

Author's pov

Xiao Zhan arrived to his dorm and sat on couch. His mind was blocked by Wang Qiren's last words.

'Take care of my son as your own brother.'

Those words began to haunt over his mind continuously.

'Why did he say such thing? Did he felt something or what?? No no... I don't think... he may just want me to take care of Yibo as my own brother. But how can I? I want to take care of him but not as a brother

But who want his son to be with another guy instead a beautiful girl.

I felt that Yibo also has feelings for me as I have for him but...

Even though Yibo likes me Mr.Wang will not let him be with me.

Yifei is right. I can't have him even he liked me back.

I should keep my feelings to me and take care of Yibo as a brother even though I can't , I should pretend.'

These thoughts stabbed Xiao Zhan's heart again and again. He closed his eyes and tried to calm down his heart.


Xiao Zhan received a message. He opened his eyes and peeped to his phone. His heart beat raced as he saw the name of the sender.

'Zhan ge, are u free?' It was Wang Yibo. Zhan took his phone and stared at the screen for few seconds before reply.

'Yeah. Why?' Zhan replied.

'Nope, I just want to chat with u hee... what's up?' Yibo replied.

'Nothing' Zhan replied after few minutes.

'Zhan ge are u ok? Are you mad at me for something?'

Zhan knew that his only one wrong word can hurt Yibo so much. He didn't want to hurt him.

'No no... I'm just tired. I just arrived to home. That's why.' Zhan replied.

'Then I'll text u later. U rest.' Yibo replied.

Zhan's heart felt heavy. He could say Yibo got hurt by that so he took a call. Yibo answered immediately.

"Hello?" Yibo started the conversation. Zhan's heart skipped a beat at Yibo's deep beautiful voice.

"So?" Zhan didn't have anything to say even he called Yibo.

"So what? Why did you call me? Do you have anything to say?" Yibo asked with playful voice.

"No, just to hear your voice." Zhan said unknowingly. All of sudden he realized what he said. His eyes widened at his own words.

"...Ah...What?" Yibo answered after few seconds.

"Is that what you thought? Ha ha ha... I called you to ask about Yubin? Did you find any suspicious thing?" Zhan suddenly changed the topic and asked. He knew his words made Yibo pout and he smiled at that thought.

You're my responsibility (Zhanyi)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now