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It was almost 11 p.m. zhan came to the presidential house and guards opened the door for him. He thought that yibo is sleeping so he stepped to his room. But he heard someone screaming his side.

"AGENT ZHAN!!MOVE!!!" He recognized the voice. It was wang yibo's. When he turned to see yibo, yibo crashed with him and fell to the ground yibo landed on his body. Wang yibo's skate board went away.

When guards heard that sound they rushed to in. But for unluck,a guard unknowingly put his leg on yibo's skate board and slipped. Other guards crashed with him and fell to the ground.

Yibo rushed and got off from zhan's body.

"Sorry agent zhan. I really didn't mean to do it. I'm really sorry.." he apologized like a kid while zhan getting up.

"Are you crazy? Who do skating inside of a house?" Zhan asked with anger. Yibo pouted like a kid.

"What if you got hurt? You're the president of our country now. You should be more careful and responsible. Can't you just be bit serious?" Zhan asked.

Yibo didn't say anything. His heart pained for unknown reason. No one blamed him before even his father. His father loved him more than everything. his father saw him like his baby boy even when he grew up. So he never had blamed yibo for anything.

Yibo picked up his skate board and rushed to his room.

Zhan went near guards.

"Are you guys okay?" Zhan asked.

"It's okay sir, this kind of things always happening here. sir please don't blame him. He is very sensitive. And he is the president now. If you blame him like this, it will disrespectful to him." A guard said with worry.

Zhan sighed and nodded. Zhan went upstairs to meet wang yibo. He wanted to apologize.

When he reached yibo's room he heard yibo talking with someone.

"Can't i use my other account?" Yibo asked someone who was in black suit.

"Sorry sir. You can't use it untill your age fill 25 years." The person said.

"May i not get the money from the state treasury? Yibo asked.

"But it's illegal sir." The person replied.

"But i really want money. Only 100000yuan left in my other accounts. Can't you find someway to use my other account?" yibo asked again.

"Why do you want that much money?" Zhan entered to his room and asked.

"It''s non of your business? Please lawyer chen find someway. Let me know if you find a way. No you can go." Yibo said the person named chen. Chen bowed him and left the room.

"Why do you want money?" Zhan asked again.

"It's not belongs to your duty right? It's my business. Now leave me alone please." Yibo said.

Zhan frowned at him and left the room. He saw layer chen going towards the exit. He ran to chen and stopped him.

"Lawyer chen, i need to ask you something." zhan said suddenly.

"What is that Mr.xiao?" Lawyer chen asked.

"Why he want money? I want know everything about his doing for his safety." Zhan said.

"Ah it's nothing, since four years he is donating money he wins from his race to a children orphanage. But this time he couldn't participate for that race. So he don't have money to give them. I told him to give up it for just this time. But don't listen to me." chen explained. Zhan's heart felt unknown feeling when he heard it. He felt warmth in his heart but with a pain. He regretted for doubting yibo. He greeted at chen and chen left the house.

He went to yibo's room again. He saw yibo playing with his phone.

"A-yibo," he called yibo. Zhan's heart began to beat faster. He didn't know why. His hands began to shake. He placed his both hands in his pockets for hide it. He walked towards yibo slowly.

"Stop!" Yibo said.

"....." zhan stayed silent.

"Who told you to come in? And why you came here again?" Yibo asked with no expression.

"I-I just want to apologize for yelling at you.." zhan said said. He felt his voice is shaking.

"It's leave" yibo said while looking at his phone.

"And i can help you to find money" zhan said suddenly. Yibo's eyes widen and immediately turned his head towards zhan.

"REALLY?" Yibo shouted with excitement. He jumped from his bed and ran towards zhan.

"How? Please tell me. Can you find money?" Yibo asked while placing his both hands on zhan's both shoulders.

Zhan's heartbeat went faster like a train. his whole body heated with that feeling. He didn't know why. He never had that feeling before. He felt like he going to faint. He pulled himself away and tried to talk.

"..m..i-it's..a..i have some money too. A-and i can asked yi fei to help you too.." he said while trying to control his heartbeat.

"Oh wow..thankyou so much. But do you have that much?" Yibo asked with curious.

"How much do you want?" Zhan asked.

"200000yuan. I have 100000yuan in my accounts but it's not enough. I don't want them to be disappointed." Yibo said with pout.

"I also have some money in my account. I think yi fei will help us for sure. You know she likes you" zhan said.

"Us?" Yibo asked with excitement.

"Huh?" Zhan looked at yibo with curious.

"You said she will help us" yibo said with smile.

"Ah..i..said that...okay..if you don't like it..she will help you..happy?" Zhan said.

"Ahh it's not that. You said ' us ' it's made me feel we are close. So from now on i'll call you zhan ge. You can call me bodi? Agree?" Yibo held his little finger at zhan. Zhan smiled and grabbed yibo's little finger by his little finger.

"Okay" zhan said with smile.


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