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"Yi fei!? No way! Something is wrong!" Zhan said while rubbing his forehead with fingers.
He began to wander around the room nervously. Yubin and Li stared at him worriedly. Three guys looked at the door as it opened soundly. Song jiyang entered to the room while looking at Xiao zhan.

"What happened? What did you find?" Jiyang asked Li. Li nodded at him and show the CCTV video.

"This can't be...I know her personally. But If she did something wrong I wouldn't spare her." Jiyang said with long sigh. Then he looked at Zhan and put his hand over Zhan's shoulder. Zhan looked at him.

"Zhan, I know this is hard for you. But let's find out the truth. Wish she is innocent." Jiyang said. Zhan nodded with fake smile.

"Hand me every detail of this case. Li, say Simon and Huang to meet me in my office." Jiyang ordered.

"Wait, You going to give them this case?" Zhan asked suddenly.

"Yes, She is your girlfriend and Yubin also her close friend. That's not like I don't trust you, but... let them handle this." Jiyang said. Zhan tried to say something but Jiyang didn't bother to listen and left.

"Zhan?..You okay?" Yubin asked with worry.

"Yes, Ah... forgot, Bo is alone. let's go to my office." Zhan said suddenly. He amd Yubin greeted at Li and left the room.

Zhan opened the door of his office room. He got scared when he realize Wang yibo is not there. He left the office room and went outside. He realized the Jeep they arrived with, is already gone.

"Hey! Did you see the president?" Zhan asked from another officer.

"Yes sir he left minutes ago." Officer replied.

"WHAT?? HE WENT ALONE!?" Zhan couldn't help but screamed. Zhan got scared of the feeling that Yibo is alone. His forehead filled woth cold sweat.

"No sir, we send our few officers with him." When Zhan heard that he felt like he is alive again. His phone rang.  he suddenly took out his phone from his pocket. He felt happy because that was the call he expected.

"Yibo, Why did you left without informing me?" Zhan asked faking anger.

"Sorry gege, I got a call from my secretary. I had to leave. Sorry." Yibo said.

" Mn... okay but don't do this again. call me when you reached your destination."

"Why should I?" Yibo asked. Zhan went speechless with those words. He felt something is wrong.

"W-What?" Zhan asked with hesitate.

"I'm not your wife" Yibo said.

"Wha-" before Zhan could say anything Yibo cut the call.

Zhan stared at his phone for while thinking about Yibo's sudden words.

'Why did he say such a thing? Did I say something wrong? What he meant?' Zhan was very confused and shocked.

"Zhan..." he came to the world when he heard Yubin's voice.

"I searched you everywhere. Are you okay?" Yubin asked.

"Yes, but don't you feel something is not right? I still can't believe Yifei is a traitor." Zhan said.

"Let's find it out together. I will be with you always." Yubin said.

@presidential house

Zhan went to Yibo's room as he arrived to the presidential house. He was very curious to know about Yibo's last words. He wanted to know why Yibo said such a thing.

You're my responsibility (Zhanyi)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now