3- Lock Down

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Draco quickly closed the window curtains and made his way to lock the door, trying to figure out the complicated lock, but then gave up and took out his wand.

"W-What are you doing? It's just a drill!" She laughed a bit crazily to herself and started panicking.

"Merlin you're so useless! It's not a drill." He sighed trying to open the door to see if it was locked.

"How do you know?" She demanded. "Did you tell your evil friends to come inside the school and attack?" She narrowed her eyes at him and he glared at her.

"When I looked out the window, McGonagall was there with Aurors and Teachers, then they ran, then a few moments later Death Eaters came, I think they were runaways." He informed her peeking out the curtains. She walked next to him and peaked out the window, gasping.

"What have you done!" She demanded closing the curtain.

"Nothing, but I will do something to you in a moment if you don't stop talking!" He threatened pointing his wand to her and she glared.

She went to the door to see if it was locked properly when the alarm stopped.

Her ears rang from the loud alarm and her heart seemed to thump louder and louder in her ears as she awaited for some sort of noise, drawing her wand out slowly to the door.

"Malfoy, we're in McGonagall's office! Isn't that the first place they'd go to?" She whispered back to his spot by the window. He'd already drawn his wand and pointed it towards the door.

"Just-Just come stand next to me in case they blow the door down, we'll be ready." He ordered harshly.

She nodded, moving next to him and pointing her wand at the door, waiting for any sort of noise or movement.

Her hand shook slightly as it was pointed to the door. It seemed as she had no time to react when she heard glass shattering from behind her.

She quickly ran forward but was pushed to the ground by a heavy weight on her legs, more like a body. Draco was in the same situation, he was next to her struggling to break free and he finally got up quickly, knocking the Death Eater on the head hard with his foot, making him unconscious. Hermione sighed and wiggled her legs free, and stood up next to him, brushing down her skirt and looking down on the knocked out Death Eater.

"Malfoy, you killed him!" She exclaimed worriedly kicking him, and the masked man groaned. She kicked him on the head like Draco had done before and took a step back as his body fell flat.

"Looks like you've killed him." Draco announced and went to the door, opening it.

"Come on, we have to evacuate before they lock us in here." He signalled and she nodded, grabbing her bag and closing the door behind them.

They walked with their wands raised in silence, and they had just reached the Slytherin Common Room when Hermione heard a noise from behind them.

She roughly hit Draco on the shoulder. "Ow! What is it?" He whispered.

"Someone's here, someone's here, someone's here-" She kept whispering and pointed her wand towards where she heard the noise. They quieted down and looked, and then suddenly two Death Eaters had ascended the stairs.

"Poison!" Draco said to the portrait in a panicky voice and it opened. He went in and Hermione came in after, closing it and leaning her back against the wall.

Draco put his hand on his heart and felt his heart beat as he caught his breath. Foot steps were heard loudly stomping past and Hermione sighed, going into the common room, and it was empty.

"It's already empty? Where is everyone?" She asked. He went past her up to his room and sure enough, his friends weren't there.

"We can still make it to the gate before it closes, come on!" He said hurriedly as he jumped down the stairs going to the portrait, not before peeking out of it and stepping out cautiously, Hermione behind him.

Hermione started to lead them down the stairs very carefully, to the two big front doors that led down the hills to the big gates of Hogwarts, but when they reached the two big front doors that were always open, they were sealed shut.

"What's wrong? Open it!" Draco demanded quickly looking around and Hermione took out her wand and tried casting the simple spells that were quiet but they didn't work!

Draco sighed impatiently. "I'll do it, Bomba-"

"Stop!" Hermione whispered loudly shoving him back. "They'll hear the noise, and it won't even work, we need more complicated spells that we've never heard of." She informed and he thought for a moment and grabbed her by the shoulder of her jumper.

"We're going to the library." He informed and she didn't complain, the answer was probably there.

She shoved Draco roughly off of her sending a glare his way and he returned it back, shooting her a disgusting look along with it.

He couldn't believe he was stuck with her! Her! Of all the people! He could of been stuck with anyone else, anyone else!

He gave her a sideways glance. But it just had to be her.

Death Eaters were actually here and he was stuck by himself in a school unprotected! Yes, he wasn't going to acknowledge her as a person.

The two made their way carefully up the stairs again, to the library doors that were already pried open. It was a bit suspicious and became extra cautious and went in, carefully hiding behind the bookshelves as they heard talking in the library.

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