1- Late to Potions

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Hermione ran down the empty halls this morning as fast as she could. She would of never seen herself stuff her books so carelessly in her bag but here she was!

Her hair was all over the place; a complete mess, but it suited her, made her more beautiful than she already was. Her face was flushed a light red and she nearly tripped over herself, but caught herself on one of the castle's pillars and held herself, catching her breath for 2 seconds then running again.

It was only the third week of her new year at Hogwarts. It was supposed to be her year and now she was late! Late? How could she be late? At least she wasn't late on her first day! She sighed at the lovely thought of her showing up on time.

She ran past her classroom door but ran back quickly, leaning on the wall. She felt like she was going to vomit her dinner from last night. She stood straight and knocked on the door, and opened it when hearing her Professor tell her to come in. She came in and people gasped at the sight of her, and at the fact that Hermione Granger.. was late!

She looked around for her friends, Harry, Ron and Ginny, but only spotted Ginny, sitting next to Blaise, of all people. Ginny smiled at her. Oh right.. Ron and Harry hadn't come back with her.

She looked nervously around then to the teacher.

"S-Sorry I'm late, it won't happen again, please forgive me, don't give me a detention!-"

The Professor laughed a kind laugh. "Ms Granger, don't worry, sit down, we aren't doing any practical work today, just theory, find yourself a seat." He said and he opened the book in his hands. Hermione sighed. He was so lovely to her, not just her, but to everyone. Even Malfoy, she scoffed. Poor teacher, he was so new, he didn't even know who Malfoy was and what he did!

She looked around and her eyes landed on a seat, next to Malfoy, who looked at her uninterested. She sighed and sat down beside him, taking out her books.

"You look ghastly today." He told her, turning to her for her reply.

They talked in low voices as they did not want to get caught name calling each other.

"Malfoy, don't talk down on yourself like that, even though it's true." She gave him a fake frown and he glared.

"Sod off Mud blood." He said as he turned to the front.

"Make me Death Eater." She retaliated back. He turned to her and just as he was about to reply the professor interrupted.

"Now children, I hope you won't cause problems, we need to get on with this lesson." He smiled at them and they perked up smiling back at him awkwardly.

"He won't." Hermione told him, throwing a look to Draco and brought her quill out of her bag. She felt Draco glare at her.

"Now.. When you're treating someone with.." The professor started talking and Hermione didn't really listen. She'd already known all that he was teaching, it wasn't anything knew, as she had read nearly all the potions books in the library.

She blew her hair out of her face when all of a sudden a crumpled up note was thrown at her. Ginny. She smiled at it and opened it not glancing at her friend.

"Why were you late?" Her note read with a cute smiley face. Hermione replied back her answer.

"My period came and I was preoccupied." With a sad face. Hermione prepared to throw the note right back when Draco caught it mid air.

"Malfoy, give it back." She hissed looking at the class. They were preoccupied with other things, except for Blaise, Ginny, Pansy and Theo, their group friends, who had noticed this interaction. The six had started hanging out together thanks to Ginny and Blaise bringing them together. The only people who had a huge problem with it was Hermione and Draco.

"Make me." He mimicked her words from before and she scowled, getting up from her seat to get the note but he stood up, making it impossible for her to get the note.

"Ah see? You can't get it you're too short, must be the bookworm genes." He laughed quietly as she tried to jump and get it.

"I'll always be smarter than you ever were." She strained her arm to reach the note in his.

"And you'll always be slow, short and un-athletic, all the things you wish you were, as well as pure blood." He smiled at her struggle.

"Like I would want to be a pure blood, they're just a big family of inbreeders!" She said a bit louder than a whisper. He gasped.

"Are not!"  He said quickly.

"Are too!"

"Are not!" He yelled down on her.

"Are too!" She yelled up at him and the whole class was now looking at their interaction.

"Ms Granger, Mr Malfoy, please!" He sighed and they stopped talking, glaring at each other.

"What is the matter?" He demanded and Malfoy simply smirked and opened his hand out.

"Granger's passing notes." He said simply, moving his hand away from Hermione as she tried to grab it.

"Pass it here." The teacher said and Hermione rolled her eyes. So the whole class was going to find out Hermione was on her period. It was natural after all! Who cared? She didn't.. No, she didn't!

Draco was prepared to throw the crumpled paper at the teacher.

Ginny then signalled for Blaise, Pansy, and Theo for their wands, to cast the spell. "3. 2. 1. Now!" She mouthed and all of a sudden, white paper scrunched up balls materialised from the sky on to everyone, losing the original note in the process. Hermione stared wide eyed then smiled at her four friends who tried to hide their laughs at the teacher's face. Draco saw what his four friends had done and sighed. Whatever, it was just a note! He and Hermione sat back down like nothing had happened and waited for the lesson to continue.

"Mr Malfoy, and Ms Granger, collect your things, and get out before I hand out a detention! You'll be seeing me at the end of the day." He sighed rubbing his face tiredly and mumbling to himself. "It's way too early, way too early, why didn't I stay in Australia with my nan?" He said before he drank some water.

"But sir! I didn't-" She sputtered and pointed to Malfoy. "H-He- It's all his-"

"Ms Granger, go to Headmistress McGonagall with Mr Malfoy. You're lucky I'm not handing out a detention, collect your things, and go!" He sighed tiredly and she shot a glare at Malfoy as he packed his things. She packed hers magically and stormed out the class with Malfoy.

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