9- Left

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Hermione read a book from the shelves of the Hufflepuff Common Room. They had a lot of books, all kinds and it was like a small library, all the books were taken good care of also.

She peeked over her book and looked at Draco, who was looking out the window. The light from the sun came through the window and it made him look beautiful, maybe less scary.

But it was all fake, he was really a scary, dangerous and rude boy, and she knew she had to stay away from someone like him, but she couldn't.

"What are you looking at?" She asked softly, arriving next to him and looking out the window.

He didn't even notice it was her, really. "Do you see it? They're all in a large group on the field, like a meeting or something." His eyes were widened, engrossed in the group of members in black outside the window.

Her voice was suddenly lovely to him, he noticed, and all he had wanted to do was shout so the Death Eaters could come and kill him for these thoughts.

Hermione looked and her eyes widened, she grabbed the yellow curtain and closed it, snapping Draco out of it. The room became dimly lit again.

"What if they saw you looking out the window?" She asked worriedly peeking through the curtains.

"I'm sure they didn't, we're too high up." He walked back and sat on the couch.

She continued peeking through and he absentmindedly admired her. She suddenly closed it and stopped peeking, picking up her book and started to read.

He looked at her as she read beside the fireplace. His mind was battling with what he really wanted. He wanted to talk to her, he was bored out of his mind, but he knew she hated him.

How crazy was he to let himself think lovely thoughts of her? He hadn't noticed her look at him.

"Want me to read it to you?" She asked hopefully. He snapped out of it and jumped a little, and looked at the book she was shaking.

"Yes, please." He asked tiredly and lay on the couch, his legs rested over her lap and hung over the couch. He closed his eyes as to not feel embarrassed by Hermione's surprised look.

"Please?" She chuckled, resting her forearms and the open book on his legs. He opened his eyes a little to see her smile.

"Just be quiet and read." He tried to hide his smile and he did it well.

A Few Minutes Later, Towards The End of The Book.

"..and he finally figured it all out. He woke up suddenly, and looked around him. The sun shown through on his skin. His flowers didn't seem dead anymore, they finally looked alive. He knew what he had to do, and he ran."

She finished and closed the book. There was a small silence.

Draco rolled his eyes. "That's how it ends? Stupid really." He muttered and drifted to sleep. She rolled her eyes playfully.

She carefully moved Draco's legs and got up, making her way towards the window that she and Draco had looked out of.

She smiled when she thought of standing close to him again. Merlin, how crazy she was. Her smile still was on her face when she opened the window.

She screamed and Draco woke right up. He saw her on the floor trying to catch her breath, looking at the closed window curtain.

He slowly made his way to her and looked down on her weirdly.

"What are you screaming about?" He asked but she ignored, and he made his way slowly to the window, his wand out. Each step he shook slightly, scared about what was on the other side.

He quickly opened it and his eyes widened. The window was covered in blood, all of it was blood, and it read "You'll be next, Mud Blood." It made him shiver and he panicked slightly.

They had seen them look out the window, and it was all his fault.

He quickly gathered his things, and ran around the place packing up everything with magic. The Death Eaters knew where they were. Well, they knew only Hermione was here.. not him.

He could always leave her.

His eyes went to her on the floor. He could leave her like this and just let her die, it sounded good. But wrong. And then it suddenly wasn't so good.

He threw her bag at her and grabbed her roughly by the arms.

"Get up, there's no time, come on!" He pleaded harshly, pulling her up, grabbing her hand and moving to the portrait of the Hufflepuff Common Room.

She suddenly stopped moving along with him.

"Why've you stopped?" He hissed annoyedly. She looked up at him in disbelief and pulled her hand from his.

He looked at it shocked. He was shocked that he was holding her hand at all.

"You can't expect me to just get over that." She whispered at him, pointing to herself.

He closed his eyes in annoyance. "You've been through the war, survived, and did many other brilliant and brave things. You'll survive." He grabbed her shirt and attempted to pull her with him out the door.

Her face became red and so did his. But she could not see his face and he couldn't see hers as he pulled her along.

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