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I fluttered my eyes open as rays of sun came shining through the sheer curtains. I slowly looked around the room to see that my roommate had not come in last night. Probably off with her boyfriend.

It was 6:14 and the staff expects students down for breakfast by at least 7:00, then classes start at 8:30.

I groaned as I threw my blanket off of my bare legs. The cool air hitting them, forming goosebumps.

I threw my legs over the bed and stood up. Stretching as I walked on the creaking hardwood floor. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a collared white t-shirt, a charcoal grey crewneck to go over the shirt and a black skirt.

Before I put them on I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. When I was finished, I stepped out of the bathroom and changed into my clothes, then quickly threw on my robe.

As I stood in front of the mirror adjusting my tie, my roommate, Aisha came bursting through. Now there's something you need to know about Aisha. She is a Hufflepuff of course, but she could pull off being a Ravenclaw too. No, not because of her smarts, but because of her tendencies to sleep around. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, is a complete asshole. But I guess the sex is too good for her to leave him.

But in fact she was a truly nice girl, so beautiful as well. Her honey golden hair bounced as she quickly walked over to her dresser.

"Morning Lena, how was summer break?" She swiftly asked me as she started undressing.

I turned my attention back to the mirror and just shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing much really, just the usual. Day trips to London with some old friends from home."

"Ooo any boys involved?" She squealed and I just rolled my eyes.

"There is more to life then boys you know? Besides, this year I'll be focusing on my studies. Not getting shagged." I scoffed as I finally finished getting ready, I looked at the time and read 6:48.

"You say that every year." Her and I both laughed. "I'm gonna head down now, I'll see you at breakfast?" I asked her as she just nodded.

With that I went to down to the great hall, with a book in hand.


"What the bloody hell is that thing?" Antonio questioned whilst pointing at my book as he sat in front of my stuffing his face with freshly buttered toast.

"Jane Eyre." I bluntly said and he looked at me dumbfounded.

"Why aren't the bloody pictures moving?"

"Because it's a muggle book." I laughed and he just formed his lips into an 'o' shape.

"So," Adeline started as she scooped some scrambled eggs onto her plate "you excited for detention today?"

I groaned "I completely forgot about that, damn it!" I slammed my book on the table.

"Yeah I heard it's with the Umbridge lady, she sounds like a real bitch." Tony laughed "You're a bitch." Adi sneered and I rolled my eyes at the argument that was destined to come. The two of them had always had a weird relationship.

The two started bickering uncontrollably and I just continued eating, I was used to it by now.

I look up from my book to see the brunette boy himself. Lorenzo Berkshire. Sitting at the Slytherin table eyeing me.

He smirked and winked at me, then went back to his conversation with his friends. What the hell was that about?

I scrunched my face and continued eating.

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