His plan

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Before I was able to react, I was hit over the back of my head with something hard. I fell to my knees, attempting to fight the urge of wanting to pass out. But I couldn't, I was no longer strong enough. My face aggressively met with the cold ground.

My eyes opened slowly to a shining and buzzing light hovering over me. As I went to being my hands up, they remained down. That's when I realized, I was tied to a chair. My eyes glanced around and noticed people in upright beds with a strange liquids filled in them.
"What is this?" I questioned aloud. Footsteps came from behind me, yet not revealing themself again.
"These are the new people. They'll be moving here to town in a few days." The voice answers with a proud tone. People moving here? That just doesn't happen. That's when I noticed one of them happened to be a little kid. Dark, medium length hair. However, his eyes were closed along with the others.
"You have a little kid?" I questioned with shock.
"Ahh, him. This one was difficult to get." He replies. As he continued talking, I took the time to attempt to wiggle out of the tight rope that burned my skin as it dug into my skin even more. The man glanced at me for a moment, James.
"Well, he was compliant. However, his parents were the problem," He rambled on as he faced the boy again.
"You might know them actually. West and Amber were his parents. I had to capture them too." He admitted. I abruptly stopped wiggling around as I got a loose spot.
"Scott?" I said.
He laughs, "That would be him. Except, not really." As he bends down to be face to face with the little boy, the door swings open before someone walks down.
"Did you get him?" The girl questioned before revealing herself to me.
"Sure did." He responded. The girl bent down in front of my face, ripping off the plain white mask off her face. Kat.
"What is this? A cult?" I questioned.
"No! We're trying to make this town look better but with all of West's conspiracy theories, we can't do that." Kat says reassuringly with a softened smile.
"Is that why you killed Elouise?" I yelled in her face.
"Elouise? She's dead?" She asked as her eyes filled up with tears. James rushed over and pulled Kat away from me, holding her still with his hands on both of her shoulders.
"We have to make sacrifices. She knew too much, I don't know how she did but she did." He argued.
"She was m-my best friend." She stumbled over her words.
"Well now, she's just another missing person." James spat as he let go of her before turning to me. He bent over me as he stared me down.
"What are we gonna do with you? Because if Jerrick finds out.." He trails off. As his eyes trail off of me with thoughts, I swing my fist up to meet the side of his face. He stumbles over as Kat goes to catch him. I began untying my left wrist as Kat has trouble with getting James back up. My eyes trailed around the room and notice another room and I sprint towards it. There were multiple beds with everyone hooked up to tubes that entered their arms. I spotted West and rushed over to him, tearing out the tube before dragging him out of the place. Before I put him out on the steps, I realized that the room that Kat and James were in, were now not in there.
I shook West, "Wake up! You have to run." I yell at him, attempting to wake him out of the daze he'd been stuck in for who knows how long. As I go to run to the room with the people in the beds, I stopped abruptly. My shoes squeaking as James stood in front of me.
"You're not ever leaving." He says as he hits me. My face met the cold and concrete floor. Though, before I left the world again, I took notice of the front door that I left opened. West was now gone.

My head swayed from side to side. My brain felt heavy and as if though it were throbbing against the light that hovered over me. Suddenly, a hand slapped against my throat firmly.
"You couldn't have just stayed out of our business, couldn't you?" James spat at me. Choking, he finally let go as I took a deep breath. He walks over to a dimmed area of the room before walking over to me again, setting down a mirror in front of me.
"Take a good look at yourself because you won't ever be you, again." He grins as I stare at myself in the rather big mirror. My eyes were decorated with red and black. Blood dried on my eyebrow. My lips, without color and cracked. I appeared lifeless and it terrified me.
My eyes trailed up to him, "Why did you kill Elouise?" His eyebrows furrowed together as he shook his head.
"No, no. Didn't you read the note I left?" He pauses as I shook my head no, confused.
He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry. You know too much."
"If I don't get you first, the cops will." I smirked. Though, I stopped smirking when he began laughing.
"Oh. You don't know? The cops are on our side too. Everybody, is on our side." He confesses to me. I whined as I tried to let myself loose again, though he made it tighter this time.
"Let me go please!" I whined as my lips trembled.
"The process has only begun. I choose people, brainwash them a little bit before I gain their trust. Then, I take them here." He explains his plans.
"People are going to know I'm missing." I gritted my teeth at him.
"Except, they won't. A new, better improved you, will soon be roaming these streets of Tiltown and nobody will even bat an eye." The corner of his lips upturn with deviousness.

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