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Auli'l Cravalho as Jade Wright

⁂ Charlie Gillespie as Luke Patterson ⁂

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Charlie Gillespie as Luke Patterson

⁂ Charlie Gillespie as Luke Patterson ⁂

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Jeremy Shada as Reggie Peters

⁂ Jeremy Shada as Reggie Peters ⁂

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Owen Joyner as Alex Mercer

⁂ Madison Reyes as Julie Molina ⁂

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Madison Reyes as Julie Molina

⁂ Madison Reyes as Julie Molina ⁂

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Jadah Marie as Flynn

⁂ Matt Cornett as Matthew ⁂

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Matt Cornett as Matthew

⁂ Matt Cornett as Matthew ⁂

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jade woke up with a knot in her stomach. today was the day, her last chance to stay in the music program.

she rolled over on her back, glancing across the room to where julie was still sleeping in her own bed. she attempted to quietly get out of bed and get ready without waking the girl, but it was a bit of a struggle as her hands were already shaking with nervousness, and she was a very clumsy person to begin with.

julie groaned slightly in annoyance, alerting jade that she had, in fact, woken the girl up.

"sorry." she whispered quickly.

she felt bad that she had woken the girl up, especially since she knew julie would be just as stressed about today as she was.

after getting dressed jade made her way down to the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. she was usually the first one awake in the house. she had always been an early riser, and stress only added to her inability to sleep.

she was used to getting up early from when she still lived with her parents. they were both always up early for work, so she would be woken up to the sounds of them getting ready. until she ran away, that is.

jade hadn't lived at home for almost a year and a half. after a week of sneaking around and sleeping in the studio after she left, julie told her parents that jade had no where to stay and they instantly agreed to let her move in. she was already over most days anyways, since her and julie had been best friends since they were little kids.

she couldn't stop thinking about how nervous she was for today. there was so much riding on this one performance. a performance jade didn't think she'd even be able to play.

jades love of music began to die down significantly after she left home. her dad was the first person to spark her interest in music. he had a guitar that he would always play for her while she was growing up. he taught her how to play too, and she started learning piano from rose when she became friends with julie.

rose and her dad were the most important adults in jade's life for a very long time. until she had to leave home and lost her connection to music. she stopped playing guitar the day she left home, and she barely played piano or sang. once rose died, julie stopped playing and jade lost every connection she had to music. she hasn't played since.

but today she had to play. she couldn't lose her spot in the program. if she lost her spot that means she'd have to talk to her parents. and she really didn't want to do that.

julie and the rest of the family eventually made their way downstairs and joined her, ray scolding her slightly for drinking coffee.

after a quick breakfast, julie and jade began the walk to school, staying silent the entire time. they were so nervous they could barely breath, let alone speak.

when they arrived at school they had to go separate ways to go to their classes and as soon as she left julie's side, jade felt her self become even more nervous.

she stared at her feat and focused on not tripping as she quickly sped through the halls to her first class. all she couldn't think about is how nothing is permanent in this world, everything changes and nothing stays with you forever.

nothing is permanent in life.


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