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the next morning, jade woke up and looked around in confusion. for a moment, she forgot she had slept over at flynn's. for one blissful moment, she forgot about the night before.

she looked around, searching for the girl who's house they were in, but she was no where to be seen. jade grabbed her phone, instantly going into a panic upon seeing the time. she shoved julie to wake her up, almost causing her to fall off the bed.

"what are you doing?" julie asks in annoyance, still half asleep.

"get up, we're late for school." jade tells her, her voice rushed.

"how late?" julie mumbles into the pillow and jade rolls her eyes, shoving her again and this time making her fall off the bed in the process. "what the-"

julie shot up to glare at jade, who was hopping around trying to get ready.

"we missed three classes, get up!" she informs her sharply and julies eyes widen.

"three classes?!" she repeats, jumping up and running around the room to get ready.

the girls stumbled around together, rushing to get prepared for school and get out of the house. luckily, the walk to school from flynn's house was shorter than the walk from their own.

when they finally reached the school, the girls rushed to their lockers, then to their respective classes. jade shoved her books in her bag as she ran down the hallways.

she paused for a moment, her brain was so jumbled she could barely remember what class she had. she knew whatever class it was, she was way too distracted by all the other things going on in her life to pay any attention. she didn't have anywhere to go so she turned around and made her way to the music room.

ms harrison was one of the most understanding teachers she had ever met. she was one of the few teachers that knew about jade living with julie, since she wasn't able to change any of her school information without parental approval. she also knew how anxious and stressed jade could get, and she didn't mind her spending time in the music room as long as there was no classes happening in there.

jade sat down on the piano bench, and pulled her song book out of her bag. flipping through it almost made her want to cry, seeing all the songs her and luke had written and thinking about everything that happened last night.

she shook her head and flipped to a blank page to start a new song. she knew from the moment she sat down that this was going to be a sad song. she couldn't help it. she always wrote was she was feeling, and right now she was sad.

anytime something upset jade, all her bad emotions flooded to the surface. bad memories, bad experiences, bad heartache.

she couldn't help but wonder if she would be in this mess if she hadn't left home. she thought it was the right choice at the time, but maybe it wasn't? maybe she should have stuck it out and hoped her dad would come around.

her fingers started moving along the key as she wrote the song, barely even thinking about how it should sound. the song just flowed through her.

It's not simple to say
That most days, I don't recognize me
That this heart, and these feelings
My soul that's not healing
Have taken more than I gave them

jade was feeling overwhelmed by all the changes that were happening in her life. before she left home, her life was so simple, and now everything had gone wrong.

It's not easy to know
I'm not anything like I used to be
It's true I was never attention sweet center
But I still remember that girl

Impermanent Perfection - jatp/lukeWhere stories live. Discover now