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as julie hugged the page to her chest, alex took a step forward, about to place a hand on each of their shoulders until luke stopped him and the three boys poofed out of the studio.

flynn walked into the studio a few minutes later, making julie and jade look up at her.

"carlos told me you'd be out here." flynn slowly walks across the room towards them. "we need to talk."

"are you okay?" julie asks, both girls noticing the sad look on flynn's face.

"no! i'm not okay!" she exclaims. "you two just got kicked out of music! i've been up all night thinking about what i was going to say to you." she explains quickly. "i might have drank seven sodas, but i need to get this out." she states.

jade and julie chuckled slightly, glancing to each other briefly.

"wait, we have something to tell-" julie starts.

"no, it's my turn to talk." flynn interrupts her quickly. "you can't give up music! your guys music is like a gift so that would be a tragedy!" she tells them. "so you're basically like canceling christmas! and i love christmas."

"flynn-" julie starts, though flynn keeps talking over her.

"uh-uh!" she stops her quickly. "when we were six we all promised to be in a band together. triple trouble!" she reminds them.

"we never agreed to that name." jade tells her with a small laugh.

"that's not the point, guys, if you leave the music program, we'll be apart forever! that's just what happens!" she says dramatic, stepping closer to them. "sure we'll see each other in the hall sometimes but, we'll have different lives, make new friends."

"that's not true." julie shakes her head at the girl, who let out a sigh.

"you're right, i won't be making any new friends. and i won't even get to see jade! you're moving to a new school!" she states, looking at the girl sadly who let out a small sigh.

it was true, jade would have to transfer schools now. her official address at the school is still her parents, as she can change any of her information without their permission, and they're technically out of Los Feliz's district.

"and the only time we'll contact each other is when when we'll be liking each other's posts on instagram." she takes a breath. "and every time i'll be hitting that little heart, my heart will be breaking because my best friends left me and, ugh do you have any soda? my head hurts." she speaks quickly, holding her hand to her head.

"can we talk now?" jade asks slowly, and flynn looks at them for a moment.

"fine." she states in slight annoyance.

"we just played the piano and sang again." julie says, both girls grinning slightly. flynn's face lit up and she let out a gasp of excitement.

"what!" she screams. "why didn't you just say so?" she asks quickly.

"we were trying, and then your seven sodas kicked in." jade chuckles softly, shaking her head slightly.

"i'm so happy for you guys!" she smiled widely at the girls. "and me!" she adds with a laugh. she paused for a moment and her face softened. "look at you two, looking all, i don't know, alive again!"

"right?" jade nods. "it's like we drank seven sodas." she jokes and the other two grin.

"what made you play again?" flynn asks after a moment, looking at them curiously.

"we found this song mom wrote for us." julie explains, sliding the papers toward flynn on the piano. the girl picked them up and read over the first page for a moment.

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