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the bell rang alerting the end of class, making jade jump slightly. she hadn't really been paying attention to the lesson. she quickly gathered her things and ducked her head as she made her way through the halls.

she zig-zagged through the other students, trying her best not to draw attention to herself. she stopped at her locker to drop off her math books and gather her things for music class.

she could feel her heart pounding in her throat, she was so nervous for music class today. it was her last chance to stay in the program, and julie's too. neither girl had played music in almost a year. they stopped for different reasons, but neither of them had been able to sing a note since.

jade shut her locker and continued down the hall, spotting her two friends and quickly rushing over to them.

"hey jade." flynn greeted her with a wide grin. she smiled back weakly but didn't speak, her and julie exchanging nervous glances. "okay," flynn sighs, looking between the girls. "i know you guys don't want me to ask you this but, have you figured out what you're going to do today?" she asks and julie shrugs slightly.

"i'll know in the moment." she says and flynn looks at her skeptically before turning to jade.

"what about you?" she asks and the girl sighed, looking down.

"i don't know." she says softly. "maybe i'll get a random burst of inspiration." she spoke somewhat sarcastically, making flynn roll her eyes.

"really? that's all you guys are giving me?" she questions. "ms harrison said this is your last chance." she continues and the other two nod.

"we know." julie tells her.

"we were there." jade adds.

carrie's loud and somewhat obnoxious voice drew their attentions to the cafeteria beside them, where the girl was surrounded by students.

"ugh, what is she handing out?" flynn asks, disgust in her voice.

"desperation?" julie suggests, making the girls all laugh slightly.

carrie walked up the them with a smug grin and handed each girl a flyer.

"here you go." she says with a fake smile. "my groups performing at the spirit rally this week. i'm sure you guys have nothing better to do." she explains, making jade roll her eyes slightly.

"oh my gosh carrie! thanks!" flynn says, mocking fake excitement in carrie's voice.

"oh my gosh flynn! don't bother coming!" she mocks back, glaring at each girl for a moment before spinning on her heels and walking away. flynn crumpled up the paper and threw it angrily in julies locker.

a boy across the room caught jade's eye and she found herself falling into a giddy daze, julie also staring at the boy beside him.

"seriously?" flynn shakes her head at the two girls. "nick and matthew?" she questions loudly, making the two girls snap their head toward her. "still?"

"they might hear you." jade shushes her quickly.

"you know nick and carrie are gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." she reminds julie, who shakes her head.

"nick is a sweetheart." she defends and flynn nods sarcastically.

"yeah you'd actually have to talk to him to know that." she explains before turning back to jade. "and you don't even have to talk to matt to know he's a player." she states, making jade roll her eyes. "and only one of them has to be a demon, to make a demon baby." she tells julie quickly. "demon!"

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