Chapter 1

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Third Person's POV

The apartment room had a warm hue with nice, fine furniture. At the kitchen counter sat two brothers eating a late dinner of cup noodles. One of the brothers--a teenage boy with a black fashionable vest, long blonde hair with two red strands sprouted on either side of his head, and sparkling sky blue eyes--slurped a noodle from his chopsticks eagerly. "Scrumptious!" he beamed.

"It's only cup noodles, you know," the second, older brother chuckled politely. He wore a light blue uniform covered with a cinnamon-colored vest. His grey hair was shorter than his brother's (though they shared each other's spikeyness), and underneath his glasses there was more of a mature twinkle in his grey eyes.

The fair-haired young man turned to his older brother with a flashy grin and a thumbs up. "I still like the way you prepare it, Auggy! The egg whites, salt, and black pepper make it all the more tasty!" He got back to slurping away his noodles like a child.

"I appreciate that, Zachary." The older brother smiled, then looked out the window. The sun was already setting behind the buildings, and the orange skies were transitioning to a dark blue.

"You know," Zachary began, tapping his index fingers together, "there's something I need help on...."

"Hm? What is it?" The older brother turned to face him.

"You know I'm Japan's greatest pop star and Blader, Zac the Sunrise."

"For the last two years, why wouldn't I?"

"Well, I now have a rival." Zachary glared into his acquaintance's eyes menacingly. "Ever heard of Joshua Burns? He's becoming a famous actor, loved by fans worldwide, and there's a website stating that his Bey is statistically stronger than mine!" Defeated, he sighed and glanced at his brother. "My spotlight's being stolen. How do I get it back?"

"Hm..." The older brother put a finger to his chin thoughtfully. "There are many stars out there. Why don't you get inspiration from one of their hits? There's bound to be good ideas to borrow."

Zachary copied his brother's thinking pose. "Yeah, I guess you have a point."

"Oh yes, and you have Ginba and Yamatoga to help you as well. Perhaps you could collaborate."

"Orochi and Akira? Right!" Zachary exclaimed with a clap. "Couldn't forget about them! We would make a great trio in the music world, don't cha think, Auggy?" The latter nodded with an approving "Mhm."

"Thank you, brother! You always give the best advice! I don't know what I would do without you!" Zachary praised relentlessly.

The older brother adjusted his glasses, trying to hide his flatteredness but to no avail. "Heh heh... Just telling you what I know."

"This isn't just to flatter you..." The blonde looked his brother in the eyes with a genuine smile. "I really mean it. Even though we only meet once a week, I cherish these moments with you. I'm glad we can share the skies of life together." The older brother could only glance back, his grey eyes twinkling in delight. But upon recalling a certain memory, he felt a tiny pang of guilt in his gut and looked away.

Zachary didn't seem to notice. "You know, I kind of miss living in the same household. What if we have a sleepover?"


The blondy abruptly put an arm around his brother. "Maaaaybe tonight?" he asked with a wink.

The older brother seemed a bit startled from this response, but he was able to suppress any reactions. "About that..."

"Oh, you have a lot of work again?"

The older brother nodded. "I'm afraid so. The workload for an accountant can be a little... overwhelming sometimes."

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