Chapter 8

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It's 7/15 the day I published this chapter. Happy Birthday, Count Nightfell! Your present: more suffering :,D

Akira's POV

It's been a day since he got shot. When we heard the news, me and Orochi rushed over to the hospital and have been waiting for him to wake up ever since. Honestly, I am eager to give Zac all of the fan mail he's been getting! It's been piling up!

Oh, before I go any further, let's go back a bit to explain some things.

I woke up and blinked the sleep out of my eyes. That was a good nap, I thought blissfully. Suddenly, it all came back to me. That strange fog probably knocked us out! And Zac wasn't in the room either....

I saw Orochi starting to wake up too, so I went over and helped shake him up a bit. "Zac's gone! I think his Bey was taken too!" I explained as Orochi wiped his eyes.

He suddenly perked up. "Hold on. I hear somethin' going on outside." I watched him run over to Zac's window, trying to listen for something. I didn't hear anything much though. They don't call Orochi "the Boy with the Perfect Ears" for nothing.

"It sounds like Zac..." His eyes widened in terror. "He's talking to the phantom thieves. But it's not just thieves he's dealin' with. There are others."

"Others?" I asked uncomfortably. Suddenly, there was an earsplitting, echoing boom! from outside. Orochi yelped and covered his ears (guess that's the downside of having keen hearing). I retaliated from the noise, then terror struck me too. That sounded like a gunshot.

"Zac!" I yelled out, running to the front door to head outside. But Orochi stopped me, grabbing my arm.

"Are you really gonna put yourself at risk too?" he urgently questioned. "There are lots of criminals outside, I can hear them. The least we can do is call the police and hope that Zac is okay."

"But what if they come too late?!" I cried, trying to pull from his grasp. "I have to be there for my idol! For my friend!"

"This is the best way to help him right now." Orochi sympathized, letting go of me. "The situation could get worse if we get way too involved."

I glanced at him worriedly, then sighed. "Fine..."

"I'll call the police then," Orochi nodded.

From there, we anxiously waited for any news about where Zac could be--and how he's doing. Then, early in the morning the news came out on TV. Zac the Sunrise, famous Blader and pop star, was shot in the leg and sent to the hospital. That same night, a phantom thief was tased and arrested, just outside the hospital. I don't think the identity of the thief's been revealed to the public yet. Strange, shouldn't they tell us?

Anyways, as soon as we heard the news, we went over to the hospital, explained that we were acquaintances of Zac, and were allowed in his hospital room.

My heart sank at the sight of him. By the cot was one of those IV fluid bag things. And my man's got those thin tubes connected to him! Zac didn't look like he was enjoying his slumber either. I don't really wanna explain any further; hurts to think about my favorite star looking so dim.

Now here we are, still waiting for any response from him. It's been silent between the three of us, especially on Zac's end--

"Wait," Orochi quickly states. "I think he made a noise."

"To you, everything makes noise," I groan back. "And you've been saying that the last thirty minutes! Stop getting my hopes up for nothing...." Guess my light's getting dim too...

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