Chapter 11

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Zac's POV

Sure, I slipped up last time. But it's a new day, and I was given a motivational boost by my substitute therapist--and my precious fan letters. "Feel better soon, Zac the Sunrise!" "We are still cheering you on, our superstar!" "After the darkest nights, the sun always rises again!"

Thank you, dear fans... you mean so much to me. I smiled at the last fan letter I was holding. I put it down and looked out the window. The morning sun was shining yet again. It was my time to rise with it.

The door opened. "Hey, Zac," Akira waved, with Orochi following behind him. "Ready for your next session?"

I gave him a confident nod. "I feel like this is the day. I know my progress has been a little wobbly the last few days, but I think I am ready now."

"Newfound confidence, eh?" Orochi smiled.

"That's the Zac we all know and love!" Akira cheered.

On second thought, I wasn't feeling a hundred percent confident. It felt like I was walking on a bunch of ball bearings! "You can do it, Zac!" I heard Akira chant. "I might even do a little rap for you as motivation!"

"N-No need," I stuttered. I looked down at the ground nervously and tried to remember my therapist's words.

"It may be scary, and you will fall on your bum several times, but once you get back up, you'll be able to feel the joy of dancing again...."

A sudden burst of inspiration hit me. "Hang in there, okay Zac? For your brother."

"Okay..." I uttered, lightly planting my foot on the floor. I slowly started applying pressure...

For a moment, the numbness returned. For a moment, the bad memories returned. I could imagine the gunman standing in front of me, pointing his gun.

My heart started beating faster. Aha! I saw you coming. I taunted in my mind, though I still felt scared.

Then I realized my friends were trying to help me. "Zac! Remember you're in the hospital with your friends." Orochi called out, but not in a way to startle me.

"The flashback is not happening!" Akira reminded me.

Right... I took a deep breath in, then out. After a few more breaths, the flashback eventually faded away. "I'm okay," I told my friends, though my voice came out as croaky. Eugh.

"Great job, bud." Orochi smiled.

"You're getting there," Akira beamed.

I gave them an awkward smile back. Fighting back was kind of tiring.... I think I'm ready for another step, I tried to urge myself.

Auguste's POV

It was only a few hours, I think. But I was already getting absorbed in my thoughts just sitting in my cell the whole time. (I guess the stories about solitary confinement got me all paranoid.)

I should be at home, typing away on my computer doing accountant work. I think I missed my weekly hangout with Zac. I miss cup noodles with egg whites, salt, and pepper... Perhaps I'll remake the cell to be my bedroom. I'll pretend that the sink is the computer. The Bey collection? Uh, probably not the toilet. That could be the Beystadium. I'll make the prison food the cup noodles. It can't be that different; they're both food!

Ugh, yeah. That's how far my mind traveled. Then I snapped out of my thoughts when a policeman showed up at the steel door's tiny window. "Kaneguro. Someone wants to visit you."

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