Chapter 6

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Violence and a gun up ahead. You have been warned. :)

Auguste's POV, Present

I have to steal Zeutron...?! I have to tell them that this is a mistake! Zac's my bro--

Wait... They don't know my true identity, and it's in our code of law to keep our daylight names a secret. We do it for safety reasons. But... I guess fibbing wasn't in our code. Well, time to lie...

"W-What do you mean Zeutron's been neglected? Zac the Sunrise happens to be in the Superior Four!"

"Used to be in the Superior Four, Moony," Cygnus corrects sweetly. "All of them but Zac went out into the world to improve, and lately, Zac's been focusing on his silly jigs and carols."

I try not to glower at her. "Even if he isn't focusing on his Blading, obtaining an outdated Bey isn't as rewarding now, is it?" I splutter.

"Do you not like your surprise?" Cancer mocked being insulted.

"I-It's not that!!" Argh, what can I say to them?!

"You're not one to be reluctant about a heist, Count Nightfell." Albus is studying me carefully. "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong..."

"Are you a fan of Zac?" Cancer asks me with a smirk.


"Just shush, boys. Moony, I don't know what's up, and you don't have to tell us. I know you're reluctant to take Zeutron, for whatever reason. But taking it from him may be the best for both Zac and the Bey. The star will be able to focus more on his singing career, and Zeutron will fall into more worthy hands." Cygnus put a hand on my cloaked shoulder.

I look at her. Through that mask, I can see her beautiful, genuine eyes. I can't help but feel a little bit better.

"I guess you're right..." Don't worry, Zaccy. It'll only be for a little while. I'll return it, I promise.

We all prowl toward the window. I can barely see three figures in the dark bedroom sitting at their beds with mugs of warm drinks. Looks like they were ready for us. Head Dusk gives the signal to Albus, who takes out a tiny object that looks a little like a perfume bottle.

"This perfume doesn't even need the memory wipe solution," Albus whispers to me, somewhat pridefully. He artfully opens the window ever so slightly. Unfortunately, the three don't notice. If only Orochi's headphones weren't at full blast!

Now that the window's open a crack, I can see Zac and his two friends, Akira and Orochi. Albus places the perfume bottle on the windowsill and sinks away from it, closing the window briskly but quietly. Right after he closes it, a strange smoke emits from the bottle. Come on, Zac, cover your mouth!

In a muffled voice, I hear Orochi suspiciously ask, "Did someone just put on cologne? Also, did the forecast say it'd be this foggy...?"

"No... Hey, I think I'll nap a bit," Akira murmurs as he puts his cup down tenderly and lays his head down on his pillow.

"Me too... nighty night..." Zac just let himself flop into bed.

Everyone's fast asleep now. I was hoping this wouldn't happen...

Dusk gives me a nod. I guess I have to do this...

I slip into the all-too-familiar room, being careful not to step on Orochi or Akira's sleeping bags. I walk over to Zac's bed. He's sleeping like a baby. In his open hand was Zeutron, which shimmered in the moonlight.

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