Chapter 9

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Zac's POV

"Zac, you have five more minutes until the concert starts."

Wait, what?

I open my eyes and see my shocked reflection look back at me. I'm sitting in front of my vanity mirror? Am I backstage?

Oh, right! Today's concert! How could I forget?

"Alright, I'm coming," I replied to my helper, getting up and heading out.

Here comes that familiar feeling again. The rushing adrenaline, the flashing lights, the cheering fans, Akira and Orochi backing me up as I sing...

It's like everything's back to normal.

Suddenly, I hear a boom split through the air. The music stops. The audience screams in fear. Oh no...! I look down at myself. I seem alright; nothing hurts. But when I turned around...

Orochi?! He's on the ground, holding his side. Is... is he dissolving into dust?!

Another deafening boom sounds in the air, followed with a pained yelp. I quickly turned around again. Akira! Not you too! Looking up, I could see them in the audience... The criminals. They've come back.

I drop my mic and start to run towards the backstage. But the wing is blocked... by phantom thieves? "Give us you Bey and we'll let you pass," one of them ordered tauntingly. M-My Bey? I don't have it with me right now!

The thieves are threateningly walking towards me... I back away towards the front stage again. Gah! The criminals are right behind me! I am surrounded.

Where's Auguste?!

One of the criminals takes out his gun and aims it at me.

Opening my eyes, I instantly rose up in bed, catching my breath. My sudden movement made my leg throb in pain, so I laid right back down. Peering around, I noticed I was back at the hospital, IV fluids, unread fan letters and all of that stuff. It was probably around midnight.

It was just a bad dream... I thought. If only my brother were here to comfort me.... Everyone else went home. I sighed and tried to go back to sleep.

It's been four days since I was first brought here. I wonder how Auguste is doing...

Auguste's POV

I knew that I was going to jail. Usually, the justice process would take longer, but apparently cases with phantom thieves were an exception.

Even when I admitted to stealing a bunch of Beys, trophies, medals, and the sort, my punishment was overall the same. Maybe it's because I didn't tell them where my other fellow phantom thieves were. Speaking of which, I hope the others are alright...

In short, I have to pay a bunch of money to those whom I've stolen from, and more money as fines. I told them that it was a little too much; after all, most of my money went to Zac. So they suggested I do around two weeks of jail time instead.

Before I knew it, I was standing in a jail courtyard in an orange jumpsuit. There were unfamiliar faces everywhere; some inmates looked stern and unwelcoming, while others looked like potential friends (or potential traitors, who knows?). At least none of them are Bey criminals, as far as I know. You can imagine how unfitting I looked just standing there with my glasses. But that was me on my first day.

Well, I did meet someone at the cafeteria a few days later....

I brought my food tray and sat at the corner, where I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. But still, loneliness hurts. My food wasn't too shabby; it was a well balanced meal, but I still wished it was a ballotine of beef tenderloin and foie gras. Sigh...

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