Chapter 13

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Third Person's POV

After laughing, everyone sighed in relief. "Well, let's get off the streets and go... uh... where do you wanna go?" Zac asked his friends.

"Probably back to the hospital..." Akira admitted.

"You haven't been officially discharged yet." Orochi added.

"Then we should go quickly," Auguste urged. "I don't want anyone to see me in this jumpsuit--"

"So it's true, then!" yelled the voice of a bystander. The group turned around in shock to see a small congregation growing amongst them. "Zac's brother went to jail after all!" The owner of the voice pointed an accusing finger at Auguste.

The former inmate looked down at his prison clothes in embarrassment. There goes my plan... he thought.

Another person strided towards Zac, holding out their phone to record audio. "Zac, did you know your brother was a phantom thief? If so, why did you keep it from your fans?"

"Do you admit to supporting the Phantom Thieves of Beys?!" someone cried out. The rest of the crowd started arguing and yammering at the Kaneguros and their group of friends. Others started recording the scene on their phones while demanding answers--all at once, too many at a time.

At last, Hyde had enough. "QUIET!!!" His raspy voice echoed through the streets.

The crowd froze.

Hyde exhaled deeply. "Listen! Is that any way to treat a celebrity that just got out of the hospital? Do you really call yourselves fans?!" He stuck out his tongue at the group grimly. "Hah! Pathetic."

"We're not fans, we're critics!" a person from the congregation clarified. The crowd babbled in agreement.

"Oh..." Hyde mouthed. "WELL..." (At this, the crowd went silent again.) "I'm sure he will answer your questions some other time. Look, he's tired! And his brother is tired, and we are tired--I'm always tired! Don't you see my eyebags?! So you can all scurry off and if you're respectful enough to leave us alone, then maaaaybe he will answer your questions. Sound good?"

"No!" someone denied, causing the crowd to immediately start yammering again. "You can't just talk off a crowd! We want answers!"

"Fine!" Zac snapped, trying to talk above them. "If you want answers, then I'll tell you!"

"Zac, are you sure?" Akira worried. "Your reputation is on the line!"

Zac gave him a determined look, then shouted to the crowd, "Alright, listen up! I'll only give you my honest opinion if you settle down!"

Everyone decrescendo-ed and focused their attention on the pop star, phones at the ready. "I love my brother. I know he is a good person at heart, even if he was a phantom thief. So whatever he plans on doing from now on..." Zac took a deep breath. "I will support him." The crowd burst in outrage.

"I know, I know, stealing Beys is wrong." Zac explained. "I, as a Blader, know that full well, especially when my Bey was almost taken from me." The crowd raised eyebrows and looked at each other in confusion. "But I know my brother has no intention to do it again." Auguste, who was hiding behind the others, looked down shamefully.

"I acknowledge that my fame is deteriorating as we speak, but..." Zac eyed the crowd unfalteringly. "My fame is not nearly as important as Auguste." Much to Zac's dismay, the people only gave back insulted or disappointed looks. Ending their recordings and forwarding them on their phones, they disbanded and dispersed.

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