Chapter 5

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Third Person's POV

"Aw man!" Akira whined at the Beystadium. Orochi could only stare in alarm.

In the stadium lay two burst Beys. The last one standing, none other than Zillion Zeutron, swiveled to a stop. Zac dabbed to the ground with his typical smug grin. "If only my fans were here to see this battle," he proclaimed. "They would be cheering my name."

"Cool as always, Zac," Akira complimented, collecting his Bey pieces. "But I'll beat you next time!"

"That's what you said the last twelve times." Orochi reminded him, making Akira smile embarrassingly.

"Speaking of which..." Akira glanced at the window, then gasped. "How long have we been battling? It's already evening!"

"Evening, huh?" Zac repeated thoughtfully. "You know what that means. It means the phantom thieves will come soon."

"Could come soon." Orochi implied. "We still don't know if this is a prank or not."

"Better to be safe than sorry!" Zac concluded with another pose. "Besides, that's the main reason why we are having this sleepover. We will be Zeutron's bodyguards if the thieves ever come here!"

Orochi and Akira gave agreeing looks at each other.

"You guys want coffee?" Zac offered. "We'll have to stay up a bit if we don't want them to sneak under our noses without us knowing it!"

"I'm more of a hot chocolate lover, got any of that?" Akira suggested with a smile.

Hyde groaned boredly. "Got any games?"

"Why can't we just Beybattle?" Auguste recommended. His computer was charging, despite Hyde's protests. "I have lots of Beys."

"Guess you forgot, huh?" Hyde got up, offended. "My Bey is now fused with Phi's Phoenix! Apparently, Phi needed it today for some tournament or whatever. And I can't battle with another Bey if I have no resonance with it. If you want a Beybattle, just ask Doctor Evel."

"I'm afraid my Bey is back at the laboratory." Evel admitted.

"WHAT?!" Hyde exclaimed.

"There's so much other stuff I could be doing right now..." Auguste sighed, closing his computer upon realizing it needs more time to charge.

"You know... You're right." Hyde felt a smirk come on his face, and a tiny raspberry came out of his mouth. "You know what you could be doing?"

"Uh, what?"

"PLAYING A GAME OF SUPER BURST BROS.!" Hyde declared excitedly. "Evel, get my BeySwitch!" Blandly, Evel fetched a gaming console the size of a tablet from his lab coat.

"How did you...?" Auguste was about to ask Evel about how he could fit a BeySwitch into his coat, but Hyde suddenly tossed a small remote to him.

"Yes, I've been waiting for this moment!" Hyde cackled, rubbing his black, gloved hands together. "Phi would always win me at this game, but now I HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO UTTERLY CRUSH YOU, COUNT NIGH--"

"No stop!" Auguste interrupted loudly. "It's Auguste, remember?"

"Uh, right," Hyde mumbled. "AUGUSTE! Oh, did you want to play, Doctor?"

"I wouldn't mind." Evel responded. His emotionless face curled ever so slightly into a sneer.

Auguste nearly threw his remote down in frustration the moment his character was sent flying out of the stadium. "Player 2! has been BURST!" an announcer in the game proclaimed.

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