Chapter 7

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Auguste's POV, Present

Too much is going on around me...

The criminals are swinging their clubs, the phantom thieves are evading and blocking to the best of their ability, Zac is laying on the ground, grabbing at his leg with an agonized look...

I have to get him out of here.

I swish my cape around myself and Zac, and we teleport away into a dark alleyway, just the two of us. I laid him on the ground and tried to examine his leg.

"Phantom thief! Phantom thief!" he cries out. Stop panicking, Zac! I'm trying to help you!

I shushed him, now he's watching and trembling. I don't see anything, except for a small rip in the black fabric of his pants, just below the right knee. That's where the bullet must have shot him. Zac's probably wondering what I'm about to do.

Deep breaths, Auguste... You can do this.

I reluctantly place my hand over the tear and try to concentrate. "Sorry for this." I make a fist just above the wound. I hear Zac take his breath in through his teeth as I open my hand, revealing the small bullet that was once in his leg.

Apparently Zac didn't get the memo. "W-What was that for? I'm already hurt as it is! Huh?" He looks at the bullet in my hand. "How did you do that?! Was that magic?" Oh, now he's acting more confused than ever. Zac, you're too pure for this world.

I couldn't help but give him a worried smile. "No magic here." I lift him onto my back, supporting his legs up with my arms. "Hang on tight." I order as I begin to run with him on my back.

"Where are you taking me?" he asks as he hangs onto me for dear life.

"To the hospital, of course!"

Third Person's POV

The rest of the phantom thieves seemed backed up to a corner. Two of the Bey criminals got a hold of Head Dusk, who was desperately trying to use his cape to teleport away.

"Hold your breath, Head Dusk!" Albus yelled as he threw a strange spherical object towards him and the two thugs restraining him. Head Dusk headed Albus's warning and covered his mouth and nose. The sphere expelled a giant cloud of lavender fog, and the two thugs started coughing. With ease, Head Dusk was able to slip from their grasp as they busied themselves with waving the smoke away from their faces.

"Let's retreat!" Countess Cygnus called out, pulling out a small sack from her cloak. The phantom thieves rejoined and started to flee from the Bey criminals.

"We're not done with you yet!" one of them growled as he and his partners pursued them. The two criminals that were struck by the fog were left behind, sound asleep on the floor.

"Now you are!" Countess Cygnus opened up her sack. Out of it poured hundreds of small, silver balls that scattered themselves all over the concrete ground. The Bey criminals realized their mistake when they set foot on the ball bearings.

Criminal after criminal started slipping, falling, and stumbling over the spilled balls. Cygnus couldn't help but look back and snicker to herself. "Works like a charm!"

"Hey, where did Count Nightfell go?" Cancer panted.

Countess Cygnus's eyes widened. "Yeah, where did he go?!"

"I don't know, but if we go back to him at the wrong time, we could get in trouble." Head Dusk informed, though he couldn't hide his worry. "For now, we have to fall back."

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