Chapter 10

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Third Person's POV

It was around a week after the shooting.

"Go, Zac!" In the hospital hallways were Akira and Orochi, who were cheering on their hospitalized friend. For dear life he was hanging on to the railings on the sides of the walls.

"T-This is the first time I'm only using one rail!" Zac stuttered, eyeballing at the ground as if it were lava.

"Go on, bro." Orochi assured. "Your leg's not gonna fall apart from one tiny step."

"O-Okay..." Zac squeaked, lifting his injured leg and bracing for the pain when he touched the floor with it. Much to his surprise, there was no sudden throb from his leg. He cautiously applied more pressure on it. Nothing. "Hm!" He raised his eyebrows. "This isn't so bad after all."

"Yeah, maybe you should stop going around hopping on one leg!" Akira laughed.

Zac felt braver with the support of his buddies. More confidently, he took a step.

For a split second, his leg felt numb.

I can barely hear someone (who sounded a little like my brother) cry out my name as I dash in front of Count Nightfell.

Am I deaf? Or did the gun not fire?

I open my eyes...

...I turn behind me. Nightfell was looking up at me in terror. Had he been shot? Wait, no...

My leg is numb.

"Oh my stars..."

The world spun and blurred as I fell down.

"Ah!" Zac cried out, tripping on his own feet and falling.

"Zac!" Akira and Orochi exclaimed, running over to him. "Does it hurt?" Orochi inquired, looking at his leg in worry.

"No, it doesn't hurt..." Zac whimpered. "I was just reminded of something...."

"Oh..." Akira trailed off.

"Zac, the doctors say that your leg is in good shape." Orochi explained. "Now it just needs to start movin' around again."

"I know," Zac moaned. "But I don't want it hurting again! It'll remind me of... when I was shot."

Orochi silently thought for a moment. Then he sat down on the ground next to Zac. "Do you wanna sit down here for a moment?"

"Sure, I could use a break..." Zac sighed.

Akira also sat down besides Zac so the star was in the middle of the trio. "Okay, we'll just vibe here together, if you want." Akira smiled.

"Okay," Zac meeped. The three of them sat there on the hospital floor in respectful silence. Just their coexistence was enough to make Zac feel a little better.

Eight days have passed since the shooting. Auguste was out in the courtyard with his jail friends. They've known each other for four days now.

"Hey, four eyes," the charismatic young man spoke to Auguste. "I kind of have an issue that I need your help with."

"Hm?" Auguste turned to him.

"You see, I have this teeny little rivalry with someone, and I think it's about time to talk to him about it. Ya know, reconcile and all that."

This got the former thief interested. "If you don't mind me asking, how did the rivalry start?"

"Well," the young man hesitated, then hastily explained, "we would try to be stronger than each other in, uh, hand wrestling matches. Then it got, uh, out of hand and now he hates me."

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