Chapter 3

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Zac's POV

I took my brother's advice to heart. I did a collab with Akira and Orochi, and let me just say... It was one of the most enjoyable performances I ever participated in. Time to put you in my shoes.

Imagine the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you dab that last bit of stage makeup. Your heart leaps when you are finally called up to the stage, and you leave the comfort of that cozy seat by the vanity mirror. Then, after a nerve-racking walk out of the backstage, you are suddenly engulfed in dazzling spotlights and flashing camera lights.

The moment you start singing, you get to let go of all of your worries. It's you and Akira at the mic, and Orochi at the keyboard (and, of course, the other stars, who are doing additional instruments). Even if you do slip up on that note or two, you know that your friends got your back. Besides, you are giving it your all for your fans, who are screaming out your name.

You could feel everyone's love pouring on you and filling your heart to the brim with utter joy. But... something felt missing.

I burst into the room, my arms spread out. "Hello again, Auggy! It's been sooo long."

"Zachary...?" My brother replied, wiping his eyes with a hand. "Back so soon...."

"Yup! I have great and important news! I'm going to have a concert with Akira and Orochi today! This afternoon!"

"That's great..." Auguste yawned. "Well, you go have fun."

"Thing is, I am inviting you to come and watch me perform! I even gave you a VIP spot! For free!" Realizing an unusual silence coming from my brother, I paused. My brother was pinching the bridge of his nose, his sleepy eyes closed shut. Then he took a breath and glanced at me tiredly, but he did his best effort to give me a warm smile.

"Huh, looks like you didn't get enough sleep again." I crossed my arms. "Didn't I tell you to get plenty of sleep last night?"

"I'm so sorry, Zaccy," he moaned, "but I had to stay up pretty late doing all of that work..."

"That much work, huh?"


I felt my heart sink. I kind of wanted him to come and support me in the crowd. But he's always busy.... Well, I can't force him. After a long pause, I spoke: "Well, I don't want you getting exhausted coming to my concert. Get some rest. Take a nap, maybe."

I headed to the door. I felt my brother walk up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a remorseful look in his eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't come."

"Hey," I smiled and reassuringly put my hand over his. "I know you'll support me, whether you come to the concert or stay at home.

"No need to worry, Auggy. Just get some rest."

The crowd cheered as the last words of the final chorus were sung. Thousands of cameras were snapping their photos, and fans sitting in the front row threw us some roses.

Akira beamed up at me. "Hey, that was fun, Zac!" he rejoiced (his head was away from the mic). "Thanks for having me here!" Orochi nodded agreeingly in the background.

I gave them my signature grin back.

As a reward for our hard work, I took my two favorite superstars out for some ice cream. Oh, the perks of being a rich celebrity!

I got myself a delicious banana split sundae, Akira got mint chocolate chip, and Orochi got cookie dough. We all sat at a round table and dug into our desserts.

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