chapter five

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time skip to the next and missy is done with school :)

I messaged Missy telling her I was waiting for her outside her school and she said she's be their in a 10 minutes.

I was going on my phone to kill some time when this girl came up to me and started talking to me.

" hey I haven't seen you here before" " that's cause I don't go here"  " anyways I'm amber what's your name cutie" she flirted " not interested" i say plainly " aww come in pretty you're cute together we'd be pretty cute" that's pickup lines expired years ago " yeah no I have my eyes on someone else right now". She ignores what I say and continues talking missy please hurry up

I finally got out of class, the yw had held me back saying I miss class to often like it's not my fault my dads an heroic.

Anyways i grabbed my stuff and made my way outside, only to see Amber flirting with Wildcard.

You see me and Amber kinda hate each other well actually more like she hates me for no reason. But in short terms she's basically a annoying brat.

I don't why but I kinda jealous but didn't want to show it cause she would make my life a living hell.

I walk up to him ignoring her " hey wild ready to go" he was going to reply when amber interpreted him " excuse me Missy but we're busy here" she said pointing to her and wildcard. I roll my eyes in annoyance, does this girl not take a hint he's not interested " yeah sorry not sorry but me and him kinda planned this out last night and you just met him 10 minutes ago and in case you haven't notice he's not interested so do as all a favour a maybe leave cause I'm pretty sure I saw you're mom waiting over their near you're math teacher and imagine her reaction if she find out you're failing" she gives me look and and leaves, finally.

Wild looks at me shocked " what" " didn't know you could be snappy" " happens more them you think she's gets mad" " well you look hot when you're mad"  I playfully slap his arm " oh shut up" " she's annoying though like can she not take a hint that's you're you're not interested like it's really not that hard" I add " why are you jealous" he smirks " no I just hate her" " you sure " " yes now let's get going" heading off school property with him following after me.

After 10 minutes we finally made it to his house.

" so you wanna start now"  " sure pass me the review sheet" he says taking a drink of water. I take the sheet out of my bag and hand it to him. He looks at it for a moment " okay this doesn't look so hard" " easy for you to say you're smart" he takes a seat next to me " so are you, in a couple of hours you'll be an expert on all of this" " really" " yeah" I give him a soft smile " and besides you have me helping me you" I roll my eyes playfully " and here comes you're big ego again" " you know you love it" he winks " let's just studying"


It's 6 o clock now and me and wild just finished with studying and I swear to god he explains the material better then my teacher, if he was teaching I would actually pay attention during.

" you want something to eat" he asks " yes please I'm starving" he laughs and gets up " I'm pretty sure they're something in the kitchen I'll go check" " I'll come with my legs are hurting from sitting that long" I say getting up and following him.

Once we're in the kitchen he goes to the fridge and looks in it " you want some pizza" " sure why not" I say taking a seat at the dinning table he gets the frozen pizza out and put it in the microwave ( I'm pretty sure that's how it works lmao) " so what's with you and that Amber girl" I give him a look " what do you mean" " I mean why does she hate you" I sigh mentally debating about if I should tell him not " believe it or not we were pretty good friends before but then she got together with this one guy and ignored me for months and now she just hates" ( based on true events lol ) " well that's stupid" " it's whatever though I really don't care, so what was she talking to you about anyway" he takes a seat next to me " basically trying to get me to go out with her and flirting but I told her I like someone else" hearing that made me both excited and upset at the same time, excited that he does like someone upset cause it may not be me.

I decided to ask him who it was " soo who do you like" I ask trying not to sound desperate or anything " someone" " no really" I say sarcastically, for someone who's really smart he can be really stupid at times " why do you wanna know" he asks, dang it should of know he was gonna ask that " so I can tease you about it duh" which was a total lie " Mhm nice try what about you, you like anyone" " u-uh" what am I supposed to say yeah I'm talking to him right now " maybe I do maybe I don't".

We talk for a bit when the time goes off for the pizza, Wild goes up and gets it and brings it back to the table " you want anything to drink" " you have any Pepsi" he goes to the fridge and checks " yep" " then one Pepsi would be nice" he gets a Pepsi and coke out " here you go pumpkin" he hasn't called me that for a while " I thought we agreed you weren't going to call me that" " yeah but I changed my mind" " you really can be annoying at times" I say trying to open my Pepsi, it's kinda a person struggle for me to open a metal soft drink can ( same lmao ) " need some help" " no I'm good" I say still attempting to open it after a minute I'm done " I give up can you open it please" he laughs " sure" I give it to him and he opens it with ease and hands it back to me " thanks" I say taking a sip out of it " no problem"

We talk and eat and without realizing it it's almost 9.
" I should go home now before my dad gets worried" I say grabbing my stuff " sure I'll walk we don't a pretty girl like you walking alone at dark" I feel a blush creep my checks which unfortunately he notices " aww you're blushing" he teases " shut up" he laughs " good to know I have that affect on you" I roll my eyes " yeah yeah let's not forgot that you were blushing and smiling like and idiot when I kissed you're check yesterday" now it's his turn to blush " aww you're blushing" I say mimicking him making him blush more I laugh " let's just get going before you're dad gets worried" I nod in agreement and we head out the door

It was windy outside and forgot to bring a sweater so I was cold and shivering a bit, Wildcard noticed and gave me his hoodie I thanked him and put it on and it was actually comfortable " I'll give it back to you when we reach my house" " keep it looks better on you beside you cute" I smile and blush thank goodness it's dark so he won't notice

" I forgot to tell you acapella knows we kissed yesterday" he looks at me surprised " how?" " I don't know but let's just hope that no one else finds out and she doesn't tell anyone" we made it to my house and I see my dad waiting outside for me " thanks for walking me home" " it's nothing you really think I was gonna let walk alone in the dark" I laugh and give him a quick hug and head inside.

" so how was you're study session with wildcard" my dad asks " pretty good he teaches better then my teacher" " well that's good to hear, he's a good kid" I smile " yeah he is"




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