chapter sixteen

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THE restaurant wasn't as busy as they thought, but they're still was a lot of people. Most we in little groups containing around four to six people while the others we're couples on a date, It was Friday after all not a huge surprise. 

" I'm surprised they're isn't many people here I thought they're would be more" Max said taking a sip of his drink.

" Yeah same but I don't mind at least our food came fast" Fast-Forward said

" So why didn't Missy come again?" Acapella, who was still was confused  on why her best friend didn't show up asked. 

" She didn't feel good" Wildcard said casually, though it was a lie he wasn't going to mention to everyone about his argument with her especially to her best friend.

" That's weird though she was perfectly fine earlier wonder what happened"  Guppy said. 

" Aw poor thing I'm gonna visit her after and see how's she doing" Vivianna said emphatically 

" She'd defiantly appreciate that" he said under his breath. 

" Did you say something Wild" she asked

He shook his head " no just it's nothing" 

Wheels who noticed the awkward tension about to rise decided to say something before it got too awkward. 

" So any word form Ms Granada yet" he asked 

Everyone shook their head making the blonde boy sigh " same here I'm just gonna assume she doesn't check her emails" 

" Maybe she's busy" Facemaker suggested taking a final bite of his meal. 

" I do hope that's the reason and that she's so ignoring us" Slo-mo said.

The group continued to talk all in their own mini conversation while Wildcard stayed quiet. He couldn't help but think of what happened a few hours ago between him and Missy, he did feel bad but at the same time didn't.

Vivianna noticed that he was zoned out and decided to use it as a way to strike out a conversation and get out of here. 

" I'm gonna get going now it's pretty late, Wildcard you mind walking me out"  

He shook his head and got up walking and following her out. 

" I noticed you zone out for a bit is everything okay" she asked sincerely.

" Yeah just thinking of stuff" he replied truthfully.

" What kind of stuff, actually it isn't my place to ask so just ignore what I said" 

Wildcard laughed and ran his hand though his hair " no no it's fine you're just being nice it just I had a argument with a friend earlier and I kind of feel bad" 

" Is this friend Missy and why she didn't come" 

He nodded his eyes fixated on the ground " I think she's mad at me" 

Vivianna rolled her eyes " Well no shit if you guys had a fight then she most likely is mad, geez boys really are dumbasses at times" 

She looked at him and softly smiled " but from a girl view give her some time to cool off if you want I can talk to her" 

" NO! I mean that won't be nessacary actually are whole arguement was kind of around you" he said whispering the last part. 

" Me?" 

" Yeah she was saying how we shouldn't trust you so easily and all but you helped us out so much today with finding stuff out so I may have told her she was being jealous and that ticked her off" 

Vivianna stayed quiet for a second, she didn't think her presence would cause this much trouble.

" Oh well that's ... I didn't think I would be the reason you and you're girlfriend would get into a fight" 

Wildcard felt his cheeks heat up a the word girlfriend " sh- she's not my girlfriend we're just friends" 

" So i take it you're single" she asked 

He nodded in response making her smile " maybe when all this over we can go out sometime" 

Wildcard looked at her with a  confused and shocked expression making her laugh, " I'm joking well kind of" 

" Anyways it's getting late now so i'm gonna go now see you tomorrow"  she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked in the other direction to her apartment, leaving a stunned and confused Wildcard standing. 

Once she was almost there she took a turn into a alley way and looked around making sure no one was there before taking her wig off.

" Man being Ms two goody two shoes Vivianna is hard work"

hi babes new 
chapter like i
promised hope
you enjoyed it

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