chapter twenty

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MARINA was frustrated.

Actually frustrated was an understatement. The emotions she was feeling right now could not be defined into proper words. She felt the world was crashing on her, like everything she did and planned had gone into waste.

She wanted to scream and cry and hated that she felt that way.

It surprised her that despite what her emotions were she hadn't turned to alcohol. She had seen in movies, books and even first hand how people reacted to frustration. It never ended pretty.

But as much as she wanted too drink her troubles away, she wasn't gonna give in. After all she had promised herself that no matter what would happen, no matter how bad things went, alcohol would never be her way of coping.

She had learned and seen the effects it had. To this day the memory of her aunt- who she was very close with and saw as a motherly figure- coming home completely damaged and drunk scared her to this day.

After a good twenty-minutes of screaming and crying ( thankfully the wall's were sound proof), she headed to the bathroom, where she almost laughed at her reflection in the mirror.

Mascara was smearing down her cheeks, her noise was red and her cheeks were puffy, she looked like she had just went through a bad break-up - which in a sense she did- and had been crying for days.

Running her hands through her hair she grabbed a make-up wipe and started cleaning off the make-up and mascara mark. She turned the on the faucet on and placed one hand on the other, slightly closing it and put them under the running water and splashed it on her face. After wetting her face a but she pumped out some of her Clean and Clear face wash and massaged it on her face before washing it off.

As she dried her face off with a towel, she felt herself feel more relaxed and calm than a couple of minutes ago.

Opening the cupboard to grab some face cream a bottle with the name desires written on it in cursive cached her eye.

"I don't remember buying this" she said to herself and grabbed it so see what it exactly was.

After reading the back of the bottle and jogging back her own memory on it she smiled to herself. Turns out it was one of those elixir that have the ability to grant one thing the drinking desires, hence the name. It had been used a lot with heroics to make battles easier and almost like steroids than. They had stopped selling them a while ago, but she was able to grab her hand one just before they all sold out.

As 'powerful' as they sounded they're only catch was it was one desire per bottle and you couldn't 'ask' for more as much as you could try, the drink was able to pint out the deepest desires in you're mind.

Smiling to herself, she took the bottle and walked out of the bathroom and placed it on her desk.

"Maybe things won't be such a hassle after all"

i sometimes i forgot i have book called
delicate lmfao but im in my eremika phase
and have three books and two sitting in my
drafts rn plus a good ten drafts in my oneshot
book sdkjd.

anyways ... planning on making chapters longer so about nine?? chapters left till this book is gonna finish which is so wired cause i remember thinking this books is gonna be for my own amusement and no ones gonna read next thing ik were at 24.5k + reads

anywaysss... i love u sm, eat and drink something, take care of yourself and remember you're perfect and stay safe <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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