chapter eighteen

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MISSY really didn't know if she should be happy or upset or mad right now. Quiet frankly she felt a whirlpool of emotions taking over her. 

She woke this morning feeling excited to share some stuff she found out the night before and almost forgot about Vivianna. 

As soon as she got up to open the curtains the sight outside disappointed her. It was raining, and it was just small showers it was a full heavy rain. 

She tired to think positively and texted everyone if they wanted to meet up in her hotel room but everyone was tired from the night before and Guppy wasn't feeling under the weather. 

Missy made a mental note to visit her later to check in on her.

So here she was, sitting on the chair by the window reading a book with her half finished coffee on the table and a empty bowl of what was once cake few minutes ago. 

With some light music playing the background, Missy felt at a calm and peace for the first time since they arrived here. 

Just as she was at the good part she heard a knock on the door making groan. She put her book mark in and turned off the music and walked towards the door. 

She opened the door and saw someone she was not expecting to see. 

" Wildcard what are you doing here" she asked trying her best not show the annoyance in her tone.

" Since you didn't answer my texts last night I decided to come here and talk to you in person and I'm not taking no or a go away as an answer" he replied. 

She sighed and moved out of the way, gesturing him to come in and closed the door. 

" Look" he started " I wanted to apologize about last night I don't want came over me and I really don't want the rest of the trip to be you know awkward" 

Missy looked at him with a unsure look, confused whether he was actually sorry, Acapella somehow threatened him or he was just saying it for the sake of saying it. 

" It's fine I forgive you" 

He softly smiled at her " thanks" 

" So did you find anything last night when we were all out for dinner" he asked 

" What makes you think I would find something" 

" Cause that's how you are always trying to find something in you're free time like the Siren eyes" 

She stayed quiet for a bit realizing he had a point. Debating whether she should or shouldn't tell him what she found out last night. 

After long silence she finally spoke up "actually I did find something, but you can't tell anyone at least not yet" 

He nodded and she went to her drawer and pulled a file and notebook out. 

" A few days ago I met with this lady who specializes in this type of stuff and she gave this file of Marina" she said passing it over to him. 

He opened it up and took the paper out and scanned through it " so that's how found about the Siren eyes I thought you were bored and searching random stuff"

She rolled her eyes and nodded and continued to what she was saying, " yeah anyways you remember how Max mentioned how she had the ability to be a whole other person" 

" Yeah" " well I called him yesterday and asked him how good of an actress she was and he said a pretty good one".

He looked at her confused and what she was trying to exactly say or point  out. 

" So what are you exactly saying" 

She took a deep breath " Vivianna might be Marina" 

sorry if this felt rush
and short I'll try to 
have the next one better
but I wanted to get this
one out asap, anyways 
i love you and stay safe
and take care <3

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