chapter fifteen

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" Well that went horribly right" Missy explained as soon as Vivianna left. 

To much her dismay Vivianna or as she preferred 'Vivi' turned out to be more helpful than Missy wished well thought she would be. 

She was able to get them past and current information of French heroes and villains, even get government official to agree to help us. 

Everyone seemed to enjoy and liked having her around, Missy didn't mind but she felt something off about her like she couldn't fully be trusted. 

Missy was currently in her room, she was supposed to get ready since they all agreed to go for dinner as a way of ' celebrating they're hard day of work'. But she couldn't bring herself to get ready, they known this girl for less than a day and now were getting friendly as if they known her for years. 

" Wow you look ready for Dinner" a male voice said sarcastically snapping her out of her thoughts. 

" What are doing here Wild" she replied putting her book to the side.

" Thought I tell you that were leaving in about half and hour so you should probably get ready" 

Missy got off her bed putting her book back " I'm not going " 

Wildcard gave her a questioning and confused look " why not?"

" Don't feel like it" 

" Missy we've known each other for a while I can tell you're lying" 

Missy sighed on the edge of the bed " I don't want to plus we've only known her for a day and she's taking ALL of us to dinner doesn't seem weird to you" 

" She's only being nice I don't see a problem with that" he said casually 

" And that's just it she's almost too nice something just seems off about her" 

" Don't tell me you're jealous of her" 

Missy gave him a are you serious look. She was the never the one to get jealous that easily over smalls things a person. 

" Why would I be jealous of her" 

Wildcard shrugged " Maybe because of her we found out more stuff in a couple of hours than a span of three days" 

She looked at him in disbelief, he wasn't wrong with the help if Vivianna they found more stuff but did that make her jealous? Of course not!

" And cause you're not used to someone else being leader" he added on 

" Look none of this has nothing with me getting jealous of her or anything I just thinks somethings off about her and we should have our guard up" 

" You're being overdramatic"

Missy rolled her eyes ignoring his comment " or you all are just stupid" she muttered 

" I heard that" 

" Good that was idea" 

Wildcard at this point honestly annoyed, he didn't what had gotten into Missy and why she was acting like this - all cause of one other girl offering them help. 

" Look I have no idea what you're problem or what's going on but Vivianna has been nothing but nice to us" 

" My problem is that you all are stupid enough to go ahead blindly follow her after knowing for three minutes" 

" You know what maybe you not  coming to dinner is a good idea wouldn't want Vivianna feelings getting hurt or you embaressing us " he said 

Missy tried not to show what he just had hurt, even though it did. It didn't matter how much she liked if he really was gonna go ahead and pick new person over someone he's known for a while than she didn't care.

" Good I didn't want to have dinner with a bunch of half brain-cells idiots anyway"  and with that Wildcard left the room leaving a angry and upset Missy behind.

this is my cue to leave
now cause yeah but next
chapter is gonna be the
dinner and how that goes
so yay!! 

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