chapter thirteen

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" So tell me again how you got kicked out of not one but three different stores"

I was currently in my hotel room getting ready for bed after a long day of trying to find a lead on Marina or Heartbreaker, when Acapella messaged me saying that Wildcard, Slow-Mo, Rewind and Wheels ended up getting in trouble. 

At first I thought she was over reacting but than Wildcard came to my room and confirmed that, they indeed did get kicked out. 

I was currently making up my mind on if I should be mad, upset or laugh. Seriously though how does one get kicked out of three different stores in a span of two hours. 

" Long story short it was Slow- Mo's fault" Wildcard said leaning on the side of the bed.

I sighed and took a seat on the hotel bed, which were surprisingly comfy mentally reminding myself not to have all the guys away from us in one group. 

" You guys should take some notes from Guppy on maturity"

" Ouch princess way to bruise a guy ego" 

I roll my eyes and slightly laugh. At this point I was used to the annoying nicknames and accepted that to him my name 'too complicated'. 

" Anyways" I started getting up " You should get going now it's getting late" 

" Didn't know you wanted me to leave so bad" he said acting fake hurt

"  You're so over dramatic we have an early start tomorrow and I don't wanna deal you're half awake annoying self that early" 

" Awh you care for me" 

" Shut up" 

He laughed and starts making his way to the door, with me following after.

" See you in  the morning don't be late" I say leaning on the door frame

" Will see about that night princess"  

" Night" 

I close and lock the door letting out a sigh of relief, don't get me wrong as much as I enjoy having him around ( what girl wouldn't want to be around her crush ) I really was looking for some alone time.

I make my way the my bed and pull out a file from underneath the pillow that  I had placed earlier and opened it. 

Earlier I ran into a women who use to work at the same prison that Marina escaped from as the person who keeps track of the villain's case record. Of course I was a bit hesitant about her, cause really how often is it that ran into someone who could play major role in a mission. 

The file contained almost everything, from her date of birth to where she lived to her first and most recent victim. It had pictures and written voice recording from her trial. 

What caught my eye was her powers. 

Max had mentioned how she had the exact opposite of his but he never mentioned anything about ' siren eyes'. 

The name felt familiar somehow but still new. It was something that Ms Granada never mentioned along with the other heroics, so I assumed it was pretty rare. 

' Shit it's already 11;30' I say out loud and decided to call it a night. I put everything way and place it into the side table drawer and turn off the lights. 

A good hour must of have passed but I was still wide awake. My body felt tired but mind was wide awake with one thing on my mind. 

Deciding to let me curiosity get the best of the me I grab my laptop that Ms Granda had given to me prior before arriving and do a quick search. 

I type in Siren Eyes and look at a few websites, none of them matching what exactly what I was looking for. 

After about ten minutes of going on websites I finally find one that seemed reliable and clicked it, reading what it said about Siren Eyes. 

SIREN EYES also known known as the Siren Effect, is a power where one used they're eyes to hypnotize another. This power is extremely rare and even more difficult to master. 

The origin is said to have come from Siren, Ravana who was once a mermaid turned to Siren as a punishment for her sins and actions. It's unknown what exactly her actions where to receive a curse like this but some say it was wrecking the marriage between the King Liam and his wife Angela. 

Ravana figured out she had this ability at the age of seventeen and used it to her full advantage before she had passed away. 

She has been known as one of the earliest heartbreaker and named 'enemy of cupid' 

It's said that before she died she had transferred her powers to her 'blood ruby' necklace and hid it away from human and any living creature eye. 

It's said anyone who wears and possess  this necklace will also gain her powers. As of right now no one has found it. 

Though it's unware of where exactly she hid it, experts have said that anyone who ends up possessing's her powers should not be taken lightly. 

Ravana's powers is seemed to be one of the most dangerous powers to this day, especially the Siren eyes or Siren effect. 

Once someone is under the control of the Siren effect, it' s almost impossible to snap them out  without getting rid of them completely. 


I felt my body run cold as soon as I read the last part. Whatever we thought about Marina before could be thrown out the window because she's far more dangerous than I thought. 

If she really does have the ' Siren eyes' and if one of us gets under control of them we're doomed and according the article the only way to snap out of it was by ending the person completely. 

It was clear than mind control and the Siren effect were two very different things, one being more dangerous than others. 

I quickly save the website and shut my computer off, placing it on the side table and close my eyes trying my best to fall sleep. 

Tomorrow was a new day and definitely gonna be interesting once I find out a way to tell them all this. 

I actually loved writing
this chapter and I'm kinda
simping for Ravana who doesn't
even exist but anyways, i hope
you guys like and enjoy this chapter
i love you all sm and remember that
you're beautiful, amazing, make sure
to eat and drink something and take
care of yourself <3

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