chapter fourteen

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" So she's a siren?" Guppy asks in confusion. 

Right now we're all at an outside breakfast place since we all decided to it would be best to meet up and talk about what we found. 

So far other than the Siren eyes or Siren effect, all we know is that Mariana usually stays away from people or stays in a place with a bunch of people and how she actually looks. 

" Not necessarily " Missy responds " If she does have that power it means she probably has the blood ruby necklace which contains the power, so she's still human just with a rare, dangerous, siren ability" 

" Well that's reassuring" Fastforward sarcastically replies, taking a sip of her orange juice. 

" And say if one of us or just anyone is put in that trance how exactly are we suppose to get them out" Wildcard asks.

" By killing them" 

Everyone gives Missy a you're joking look and she shakes her head " I wish I was but according to what I read that's the only way" 

" Okay but how exactly does someone fall for it like does she look straight into their eyes or soul or something" Rewind asks. 

" I don't know it never specified but that could be our best guess as of right now" 

" So from what you told in summary the Siren eyes are just a more dangerous and irreversible version of mind-control" Wheels asks.

Missy nods her head and takes a large sip of her ice coffee " Pretty much yeah"

 " Wait does Miss Granada know about this" Acapella asked 

" I emailed her about but haven't got a response yet"  

" It's might take her a while" Wildcard said " I emailed her a while ago and still haven't gotten response so she's either busy or just doesn't check her mail" 

The group continued talking and discussing on what to do next in terms of finding Marina.  

Max had suggested that Marina was a fast learner so she might have mastered the Siren eyes if she really did have them. So we collectively agreed that splitting up to find her was kind of a risky move. 

" Um excuse me I couldn't help but hear you talking about heartbreaker" a soft feminine said from the table beside us. 

" Yeah you know her" Wheels asked

" No but I did see it mentioned on the new's a while ago you guys must be the heroics kids I heard so much about you guys" she explained with a smile. 

She had short curled dark red hair that tied in with a flower hairpin, it looked like she was wearing subtle makeup and her outfit was a simple loose baggy jeans and a sweatshirt that said BABE on it. 

Missy stayed quiet and looked at her. Something about her felt off, they mentioned the name heartbreaker once and that a good hour ago how could this women know they were talking about her or 'Marina'. 

" Wait so that mean you're a hero too" Guppy and Slow-mo asked at the same time. 

" My aunt used to work at the HQ so I know the basics and what not" she answered. 

" In fact" she started, getting up from her table and walking towards theirs " If you want maybe I could help you guys, I lived here most of my life so I know all the places that might help you" 

" Actually we'r" Missy started but was cut off my Wildcard " Sure why not you seem reliable and trustworthy and plus the more people helping the better and faster we can catch her" 

" Wildcard has a point we could use an extra person right now" Wheels added.

The female smiled and took a seat next to them, " That's great oh silly me I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Vivianna" 

new character? 
yesn't but that's
all i'm gonna say 
actually really excited
to see how the ending I 
planed plays I really hope
you guys enjoy and like it
along with the story cause
other than enchanted this 
is my favorite one to write. 
anyways eat and drink something
remember you're amazing and vaild
and i love u so much <3

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