chapter nineteen

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WILDCARD was never an overthinker. 

Overthinking, or according to Missy, any type of thinking made his head hurt. The whole idea of overly thinking about one little thing. 

But in this situation was not little. 

The fact that they're whole team was possibly getting close to an enemy was not something that should be taken lightly, at least to him. 

Just the thought kept him awake last night. 

So here was, in front of the restaurant we were at two nights ago meeting 'Vivianna' for a friendly lunch.  

Did Missy tell him not to go into it? Yes, but did he care? Nope not really. 

" Hey Vivianna" he said with a smile taking a seat in front of her. 

" Oh hey Wild, so happy you could meet up with me" she smiled back. 

He smiled back, to be polite at least " so how you've been" 

" Pretty good you know I really missed you, I know we've only known each other for a bit but I really like you" 

Not knowing how to exactly to respond to that in a way that wouldn't be rude or anything he decided to change the topic into something not so - awkward. 

" Um that's nice, anyways I can I tell you something" 

She nodded and took a sip of her drink " anything" 

He took a deep breath, was Missy gonna murder him after this if she found out? Yep. 

" It's actually about Heartbreaker or Marina, w- I think that she might be closer to us than we all think" 

The girl gave him a confused look, more-so she was mentally panicking. 

She promised herself that no matter what she would not use any of her powers on anyone, mainly to avoid further suspicion and as much as she wanted to right now, it would just make it obvious. 

Putting on a cool, unbothered expression she rested her hand on the palm of her hands and looked at him. 

" Care to elaborate?" 

He seemed to somewhat be on to her from the look on his face but tried to hide it. 

" Well I'm just saying past two maybe three days we found out more information than we have been able to in the last month we've been here, and all thanks to you" 

" So you're saying that I might be Marina" she replied a little to quickly.

He shrugged and leaned back " I'm just saying it's a possibility that's it" 

It took everything in her not to shoot him an ice cold death glare but objected against it. Acting offended would be a natural reaction to everyone being accused as the villain - even the villain herself. 

Keeping her act as the good girl Vivianna and not her normal self she took a sip of her drink, finishing it and looked at him.

" Wild bae aren't you suppose to be smart" she started making him give her a confused look" what villain would give their enemy all the answers to there case" 

He stayed quiet, she had a point. No villain would be dumb enough to give out important information. 

Still they're was something off, Marina was different.

" Well I checked people who worked at HQ and surprisingly I didn't see you're aunts name" he lied smoothly, hoping to get something out of her with that. 

To his surprise she still remind her cool.

" You clearly didn't check employees they had worked internationally" 

And this point he felt defeated and decided to give up and drop the topic. 

" Fine I'm sorry" 

She gave him a slight smile " it's fine I have to go meet a friend soon so I'll be leaving now" she got her stuff and got up. 

As she walked passed him she leaned to his ear and whispered " by the way you aren't wrong about one thing" and walked away.

guys  I got called pretty and
said she liked my hair at school
today by this girl at lunch and now
were friends skdjskld

anyways special mention to my bae
aleia for giving me motivation to update,
i love u bae <33 

also were nearing the end, like maybe 
around 10 chapters left wtf- how, I'll
give yall at two real mildcard kisses
before the end i promise.

i love you, take care of yourself and
stay safe, eat and drink something and
you're perfect and beautiful <33

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