chapter seventeen

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hey! how you feeling? 

better i guess kind of
tired so i might sleep in
a bit 

if you say so just
saying wildcard is 
terrible liar and don't
take what he said personally 

i gtg wheels 
said we have to 
get up early tomorrow
love you <3

i wont and love you 
too <3

Missy put her phone on the side table and let out a sigh glancing to the clock across the room. It was only ten-thirty but she way tired as hell. 

She rubbed her eyes and got up from her bed, making her way to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready to bed. 

Turns out her not going to dinner had it's benefits. 

Ms Granada had responded to her email saying she would take a look into what exactly the Siren eyes did and best of she didn't need to witness Wildcard and Vivianna apparent 'flirting'. 

According to Acapella he walked her out and they talked for a bit and when he came back his face was flustered. 

Missy shook off the jealously she felt thinking about it, they had more important things to worry about and a main goal to accomplish she wasn't about to let boy, who so happened to be her crush get in the way of that. 

Washing of her face one last time she grabbed the white towel and dried off her face before leaving the bathroom. 

Missy jumped on her bed and grabbed her phone deciding to go on it for a bit before going sleep. 

While scrolling around a few apps she noticed the five unread message she got from Wildcard. 

hey can we talk

everyone's asking
where you are

i lied and told them
you were sick 

look i'm sorry
i didn't mean what
i said 

you're ignoring
me aren't you

Rolling her eyes she decided to ignore, not wanting to deal with it right now.  

Honestly how dumb can one person be, you're ignoring me aren't you  no she wasn't she was just choosing not to respond. 

Of course she was and she had every right to. 

She opened up her Instagram and saw the group had posted pictures from the dinner, and indeed Wildcard and Vivianna seemed close. 

As she was about to close the app she noticed how similar Vivianna's expression looked. It almost resembled Marina's. 

This just grew Missy's suspicion about the girl.

She grabbed the hotel room's phone and quickly dialed Max's number. 

The line rang a few times before he finally picked up.

" Hello?" a tired voice from the other line answered 

" Hey Max it's me Missy you weren't sleeping right if you were I'm sorry if I woke you up" 

" Oh hey Missy what's up and don't worry I was about to get ready for bed you didn't bother me" 

" Okay thank god" she said in relief " do you mind if I ask you a really quick question" 

" Sure why not" 

" How good of an actress was Marina" 

It was a silent for a few seconds and Missy was kind of regretting asking a semi personal question. 

Out of all of them this mission hit Max the hardest it was his sister they were talking about. Though they weren't close and haven't see each other in year's, it was clear Max still cared about her. 

" Well considering she would usually get the lead or be asked to play the lead in school plays pretty good" he responded " why though" 

" Just wanted to know out of curiosity it would be helpful to have an idea you know" she lied, she wasn't gonna tell him, or anyone for that case the real reason why - not yet at least. 

" Well if you say so anyways I'm gonna get ready for bed night Missy" 

" Night Max" 

She put the phone back and looked back at the picture that was on her phone right now. 

It was clear that they're was more to Vivianna than what meets the eye. 

totally didn't write this
while listening to brown/
desi songs lmao and yeah
short chapter ik but
you guys will get mildcard
in the next chapter i promise
i love you all stay safe and take
care <3

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