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"Jisu..." panted Jieun, tears soaking her dress as they slipped. She struggled against the man who held her and looked at Jungkook in despair. "What are you going to do to her?!"

He pretended not to hear it. She should be grateful for what he was doing. Jungkook never liked that. He never liked seeing anyone under torture, screaming in pain, their blood. Never. There was no pleasure in such a thing as some of Gi Jong's followers felt.

But what could he do if the Supreme Leader had thrown the damn responsibility on his hands?

Jungkook approached and stopped right in front of her, staring into her reddish, beautiful, frightened eyes. "I hope you are aware, Lee... that this will happen only because of you," he was cold, exactly how it should be. "If you say the wrong thing, you'll be punished. If you misbehave, you'll be punished. And if you don't follow the rules, you'll also be punished... I made it very clear since the first day he gave you to me."

"Please don't do anything to her," Jieun begged tearfully. "Don't do it... please..."

"I follow orders, and you should learn how to do the same."

She sobbed, whispering as the tears flowed, "Please..."

Jungkook looked at her for a long second. Doubling her suffering seemed... inhuman. It felt so wrong to hurt her. Jieun resembled a helpless little bird, just like her sister, but he knew that behind the innocent, angelic face was the reason for his army's greatest losses.

"Jungkook... please."

Not exposing the utter surprise of hearing her calling his first name, Jungkook turned away, glancing at the guard holding her sister. It was the signal the man needed to take what appeared to be a knife and stab the girl's right leg.

Jisu screamed under the cloth in her mouth as Jieun sobbed harder. Jungkook crossed his arms, feeling he couldn't disconnect from it until it was over. Discomfort settled in his veins, making him uneasy as he tried to stay concentrated.

Jieun started shouting for them to stop, asking to be tortured instead, and Jungkook questioned the woman's sanity. She wanted to switch places with her sister. Was she crazy?

This guard, in particular, had always been present during closed interrogations and definitely one of Gi Jong's supporters who felt the most passionate in torturing someone. Jieun seemed to feel every pain he made Jisu feel.

Jungkook was starting to get too bothered by all that shouting, all that pain, and all that cruelty. "Enough!" he ordered audibly over the chaos.

The guard pulled the knife back as gushes of blood streamed down Jisu's leg, as she slowly fell down. Jieun dangled weakly, watching her sister crying and moaning on that floor.

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