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The silence was agonizing, but Jieun knew that she was the only one who could end it by asking her first question. The question that Sehyuk had been waiting for her to ask. She looked at Jungkook again. He seemed calm as if the proposal wasn't new to him. Her eyes jumped to Haeji and finally to the man next to her.

"How — would that happen?"

Sehyuk grinned. "By winning the war," he said simply, and before she could give her immediate thoughts, he continued. "However, Uchi won't be the ones to accomplish it. It'd be us. The Jeons. "

"The Supreme Leader is a leader of cruelty, Jieun. We all know that," Haeji spoke, realizing that she was still confused. "But as much as today, evil is just a matter of point of view, and many are blinded by his ideology. A huge percentage who lives on this side don't truly support Uchi but pretend it because they don't want to live like you as a rebel... constantly hiding and afraid to die. They will continue to praise him since is Gi Jong who protects them from the war outside."

"But it's impossible to maintain a government like his forever, no matter how much effort you make," Jungkook said. "He's an emperor, repressor, dictator. The day he falls, the fall will be big, and our name cannot be beside him."

Jieun frowned, then scoffed. "Which means you want to take the position and be in power instead before it happens."

"Apparently, I couldn't have chosen a better daughter-in-law for my son," Sehyuk crossed his hands and smiled, satisfied that she understood their goal easily. "The agreement we have with the Supreme Leader makes it clear that he'll have full rights over the child. But our surname will still belong to him. Thus, the legacy we'd leave would be a Jeon as heir to the Uchi's entire empire even if we break the alliance. And we, you and the rest of the world knows that Supreme Leader has no intention of stepping down from power until he's forced to," he sighed, then took the glass up, sipping it.

Sehyuk didn't let her ask and continued, reaching for the bottle to get a refill.

"Our plan is quite simple: a military junta." Jieun felt her heart beat faster, though her mouth didn't open it to answer it. "And for that, we need support. He kept his stability by accomplishing the devotion of the citizens, and he's still very much strong in the government, especially during this civil war. But now, you're becoming this influential speaker that the public is learning to love. I knew it'd happen, and for this reason, I myself offered to give you the suitable position when he said he wanted you working at the Office Palace. If you help us to win this war, the world will know, and we'll be able to attempt this coup without having to face a new one."

Jieun scowled. "If the Jeon name is so valuable, why did you start an alliance with him in the first place if you knew about the risks of his fall?"

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