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Jungkook expected an answer from Suho after making his delicate proposal while sitting at the comfortable chair in the corner of the bar. The man, in return, remained silent, staring at him with his eyes full of tension and doubts. His wife also opted for staying quiet and gave the table her attention instead.

"More coffee?" asked the waiter, approaching.

"No," Jungkook answered. "Thank you."

"And you, sir?" he turned to Suho.



Jieun swallowed a lump, feeling like a razor down her throat. "No, thanks," she replied, voice low and scratchy.

After their hug, Suho quickly entered a state of pathetic suffering, demanding justifications that she didn't give. That was when Jungkook stepped up, taking control of the situation by ordering him to calm down.

The leader knew that trying to scream to drown all his hurt would be useless. Jieun already looked on the verge of collapsing when she was bombarded by his questions. So, in the end, he chose to take a deep breath and follow the couple towards a reserved table. And since then, she said nothing else.

Sometimes Jieun would give Jungkook quick glances as if to ask why they were there. More importantly, how. Uchi had been intending to find Suho soon after she got captured, and now that he was just in front of them, her husband seemed surprisingly unconcerned.

She had no idea what was happening... until Jungkook's proposal was thrown at the table.

"We don't have all night, Kim."

Suho looked up at Jieun, who had her eyes on the coffee cup, and studied her attentively with a judgmental and silent look, then narrowed his gaze back at Jungkook.

"Coup," he repeated. "You want me to surrender and flee the country, so you can pull off a coup and replace Gi Jong?"

"That's right."

The leader looked at Jieun again, somewhat indignant at her lack of reaction. "Are you out of your mind?"

Jungkook sighed, pressing his fingers against his temple. "I'm giving you a chance."

"A chance?" he feigned a laugh. "Wow... that's thoughtful of you, General."

"Spare me your cynicism, Suho," Jungkook shifted on the chair in a very nonchalantly way. "All I'm saying is that you have a chance now to surrender, or at least appear to surrender. Only this way I can work better on weakening Gi Jong's system with the end of the war. Kawa's fall would decree that."

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